Well, I've finally got myself a safe but am worried my guns might rust in it.
They often get put away a bit damp, specially the sling.
Is there any reason I shouldn't drill half a dozen holes in each side at top and bottom so air can move through ?
Well, I've finally got myself a safe but am worried my guns might rust in it.
They often get put away a bit damp, specially the sling.
Is there any reason I shouldn't drill half a dozen holes in each side at top and bottom so air can move through ?
Can you take off the wet sling?
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Put a heater or light bulb in it to generate some heat
Boom, cough,cough,cough
I do try and take the sling off till dry and often leave the gun out in front of the heat pump to air off a bit but its not always 100% dry. Also if cold, the inside of the safe and guns will pick up condensation when I open it up to a warm room, won't it ? The room it's in is usually fairly dry so air circulating through vents should gradually dry it out.
It sounds as if a few people use light bulbs or heaters in their safes. Wouldn't that need some ventilation too or else you just end up with warm moist air inside if it's sealed shut ?
I'm wondering about holes weakening the safe or giving grip for someone trying to rip it off the wall.
I bought an armful of little moisture absorbing bags that you can microwave to dry them out and reuse them, threw them in the bottom of my safes, have had no rust problems since.
A wardrobe type heater is fine, you don't have to vent it
Boom, cough,cough,cough
Unless yours is different to most, it will be far from sealed so I wouldn't worry about ventilating it. Keep them oiled and check them a day or so after storing them damp.
I use a couple of damp rids in my safe they work a treat
closet heater: looks like a 1" x 1" square tube about a foot long. gives off just enough warmth to keep things dry. i used to put them inside commercial speaker boxes in humid environments. saved a fortune on replacement speakers.
can get them at electrical outlets like cory's, ideal etc
the only thing damp I put away is the mrs
ie dry/oil prior to storage
Addicted to gun powder
DAMPCHASER Cupboard Heaters online shop | Plug in Digital Thermostat
Just and idea if you can spare the money, the smaller one works well in my medium sized safe.