BSA Royal (Hunter) 7x57 with a custom stock. Seen a bit of work but still a joy to bring to the shoulder.
Excuse the crappy pix, walnut does look better in the flesh.
BSA Royal (Hunter) 7x57 with a custom stock. Seen a bit of work but still a joy to bring to the shoulder.
Excuse the crappy pix, walnut does look better in the flesh.
Prince of Wales gripe with a rem 700 for end. Buffalo horn caps. Limbe saver.
I've had a good look around and tried loads to see what looks and feels right.
Not worried about the weight to much.
I'd rather that it shoots straight and comes up to the shoulder the same every time.
Not to sure about a Monty Carlo check peace as the old cf has a roll over one that to me just looks plane ugly.
Sending it to be templates then will do all the finishing myself.
FML just bought a ZKK 600 for probably too much. Will post when I get it. I've had a bit of a revelation that new guns are shit.
'49 BRNO 22 hornet. Have the front sight hood, rear sight, and a 4 power steel tube meopta scope with mounts, ready to go on one day
a few photos from the last little while.
feel like i need to do another soon.....
470 double, just about rite for buffalo
p.s. not my work tho.
A few of many 30 calibres that have passed through, apart from the 30 06, I've put new furniture on it and use it.
Winchester Featherweight 308
1990 Made Remington BDL 3006
Winchester 30 30
Winchester Classic 300 Winchester Magnum
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
Finally got around to putting some shots through this rifle.
Remington 700 .222.
Very happy with it put some lower rings on it and VX2 I got of dale on it.
Have placed ammo pouch in as HGD is worth a plug.
As is Rod and Rifle.
Buggered up adjusting Left to Right as I don't do this often.