@akaroa1 …Gulp . That looks intimidating just with the round sitting there ready to slide in hahaha , I feel for your shoulder , the rifle looks in mint condition
My first blued and walnut rifle in .30-06. 1970s vintage in perfect condition and only 40 rounds fired. Looking forward to taking delivery now. Have 168 ELD-Ms and Lapua brass waiting.
The member formally known as Spitfire
Just picked this thing of beauty up for a song off TM.
Trying to find some more info on it but it’s a 1960’s vintage Musgrave built on a K98 action in .30-06
Mint bore and very tidy all round.
Being South African I have always wanted a Musgrave and couldn’t pass this one up when it came up for grabs!
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"Here's the deal I'm the best there is. Plain and simple. I wake up in the morning and I piss excellence."
Very unusual stock, interesting to see it
Yeah, never seen another one like it with the flats over the action, only seen that on vintage Orbendorff Mausers before.
So far I have worked out that the action was built by JP Sauer and Sohn in the 30’s.
Trying a few other avenues to find out some more details!
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Last edited by Spudattack; 28-06-2022 at 10:27 PM.
"Here's the deal I'm the best there is. Plain and simple. I wake up in the morning and I piss excellence."
@akaroa1 is that a paper patching or Teflon tape on the 500?
@Marty Henry its good old fashioned paper patched
My 500 2 5/8" BPE loves the paper patched 395 grainers and I'm hoping the 1885 500 3" BPE will alos
Have fired it a few times but have one small repair to complete before I go to the full noise charge of 125 grains FFG
right,so to avoid 20 lashings at dawn......... that is twice now you have mentioned this "other " 50 calibre ..this mystical 500 2 5/8" still hasnt shown it self I dont believe,and the line up of cartridges for comparison isnt really fair without one of her fodder in the middle....hop to it pronto like....PLEASE.
75/15/10 black powder matters
@Micky Duck Hollis Martini 500 2 5/8" BPE pistol grip sporting, express sights and ovate barrel with matt top flat rib
Just your run of the mill 500 BPE
It shoots to sights at 65m and holds to a dinner plate group off hand
It's down loaded a bit but is nice to shoot
Whereas the 1885 500 BPE I'm intending going full noise as they are a very strong and reliable action
File image of the two 500s
And a funny one
Trying to put the 3" BPE into the 2 5/8" Hollis Martini
It just wouldn't go around the corner in the loading trough
@Marty Henry the 45-70 405 grain powder coated bullets are off the shelf Black Widow bullets. Cheap and easy, ready to go
Yes I will be doing some proper paper patch experiments with the 500 3". It's from the paper patch era but has conventional rifling so a bit of work to do there
when you think about it the not being able to fit is a good thing..... thankyou for posting photos,I shall put the "cat o nine tails" back in the rack.
75/15/10 black powder matters