Plus look how ineffective OZ laws are in banning gangs.
Plus look how ineffective OZ laws are in banning gangs.
Welcome to Sako club.
Better still let's all become gang members a get better access to off licence firearms![]()
Boom, cough,cough,cough
[QUOTE=Savage1;450895]Just to be clear, O'Conner isn't an employee of the Police, he's the president of the Police Association which is like a Police union. He seems to be well liked amongst the front line cops as he has the balls to say what need saying.
True that @Savage1, that make sense I thought he was part of he Cops. I do respect the job the police do, and I do not envy them. I like the new police boss he seems pretty straight shooter no pun intended.
They seem to have a culture problem though where they do not except that they a wrong at times, and are not keen on fessing up to shit when the should.
I think blaming the gangs for all the shit is not correct, sure they are bad news due to the fact they are highly organised, industrious, schooled in there criminal carrier paths and ballsy, but there are other local hard cases and guys who knock around with villains who have clean jackets that help purchase and organise things like guns, chemical ingredients, houses to cook or grow pot in, start a business etc that on the out side look like law abiding citizens but are as much a part of the criminal fraternity as gang and club members.
Most small towns have an under belly.
Shit heads will all ways find ways to procure firearms. Some of them could even build crude ones for their line of work.
Apologies, it was from a courthouse Claim that stolen Glock was returned to courthouse investigated |
I was getting it mixed up with that large quantity of methamphetamine going missing from Whangarei police station No plans to change evidence storage | Radio New Zealand News
Politicians and governments in all countries are F**king same, they are afraid of guns in good people's hands!
Mmmmm.....I wonder how the public would react if owning motor vehicles (excluding motorcycles - 'cos I ride one), were restricted to one per family (most have two or more in the same household), must be fit for purpose and used 'in lawful pursuits'.
Or even that they get reassessed on their driving skills, every 5 years (I'm aware that licenses can be renewed in those time blocks).
If the Assessing Officer - must be a policeman - decides that the driver is 'not a fit person', then no license, no opportunity to be reassessed and the motor vehicle/s taken away and disposed of.
Crikey - the outrage and calls for pollies heads would be enormous.
Yet firearms owners have a strict assessment policy, inspection of premises and private commentary by spouse and another individual who knows the firearms license applicant.
Firearms owners (legal ones), aren't a small segment if the population - we are like most people - only interested in that segment of the shooting sports we participate in.
Just imagine if we all got together (NRA USA for example - not that I agree with some of the drivel I've heard from this August body), and lobbied for 'sensible yet controlled' scheme of firearms ownership - including s/auto weaponry, MSSA and specialist long guns. I still think sidearms need tight control, mainly because they're easily concealed.
Lawful firearms owners suffer because crims, drug takers and the occasional shooting accident draw heavy exposure by the Press, causing 'knee jerk' reactions fron politicians.
The 'stop gap' measures - as usual have far reaching effects not considered in the overnight lawmaking process.
I read somewhere (I stand to be corrected), that the worst year of shooting deaths from all causes in NZ was about 10-11, the worst year for motoring deaths in HZ was around the 300 mark.
Yet I see no moves made to tighten up on driver assessments, testing methodologies or restriction of large capacity/high powered cars being bought by inexperienced drivers.
Mmmm.....the power of the 'poll' eh.![]()
Not so sure about that. They are certainly afraid of guns in bad people's hands. I understand the dilemma; how do you judge who is good and who is bad? The screening processes (even here in NZ) aren't fool proof and in some jurisdictions plainly bizarre.
And what about the good who turn bad?
And what about Paranoia?
Boom, cough,cough,cough
Greig o(you know who) has been called out numerous times, he also believes in fully armed cops(which scares the crap out of me and they have them in their cars) yet he hasn't been calling out for wearing of body cameras of All cops yet we are the only western country yet to do that?
For the good cops out there I believe he does a HUGE disservice to you to the point of being a insult.
He's a cockroach trying to build a political career
"and allowing us to make a informed decision on whether we really want to allow our kids to play with his kids when he's got guns in the house."
This is what got me the most out of the entire article, followed closely by calling every gun they find an AK47 or M16 assault rifle... such typical scare mongering by the same journalists every time. Similar to how someone who had accidentally shot a toddler with a stolen sawn off shotgun to have the press jumping up and down screaming it was a pistol and citing how easy they are to get and essentially giving the anti-gun lobby false information.
If they want to pass laws against firearms based on half arsed facts and information, then why don't they pass some laws to tighten up the accuracy of media reports?
Rant over