I am considering a second hand Weaver Grand Slam 4-16x44. Has anyone had any experience with these and any comments good or bad?
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I am considering a second hand Weaver Grand Slam 4-16x44. Has anyone had any experience with these and any comments good or bad?
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I use one on my .243 Win. Have for about 3 years. It has the EBX reticle, the load I use is tuned to the hash marks at 200m, 300m, 400m.
Bomb proof scope. It gets some unintended abuse but never loses its zero. Has had numerous drenchings, mud, falling over... I’m a clumsy bastard sometimes. The rifle sits for hours on the bike rack in all weather getting thumped around in the rough stuff. I’ll run it until one day I do something really stupid like run it over.
I fitted a clear UV filter in front of the objective lens to keep the crap off it. The only criticism is I struggled to find scope caps that fitted it, and gave up. Not a biggy as most of the time caps annoy me anyway.
Wouldn’t hesitate to buy another Weaver Grand Slam.
i would never own a weaver scope again . 3rd shot from my BLR in 308 and the reticle fell apart, backup was terrible from nz agent too. luckily i was sighting in not on a hunt
I have an older model Grand Slam and the pop up turret cap Weaver Super Slam and a 2-10 capped turret SuperSlam, all are great, but if its one of the newer model Grand slams i dont know what they are like.
Post a pic or link to the one youre looking at
EDIT: I see Flyblowns is one of the newer ones, so all good
It was on Trademe but didn't sell but I got the guys number. Yes it's one of the newer ones looks just like flyblowns. Guy wants $500 which seems ok for a $1000 scope brand new.
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Nice buck alright. I have an older 4-16 and a new model 2-8...I like them both
When the NZD was higher these were ok value.
Now they would cost circa NZD $850 plus GST landed
$500 is a good price assuming its in good condition.
Reason I got this Weaver scope was because my one cuz in Alberta uses them almost exclusively and he brought me one in exchange for a couple of domestic flights on his last visit. He has probably a dozen or more Jap made Weavers on various rifles in various specs, plus some older US made ones. He has a two 1.5-5x32 (I think) Grand Slams on very heavy recoiling guide guns for grizzly country (that I remember fondly as the hardest kicking rifles I’ve ever shot). Its a big deal to those guys to have a tough reliable scope on those rifles.
The Jap made Weavers have a very good reputation in the US as robust, simple, well made scopes. For a long time Weaver kept it very simple, no fancy high tech tactical scopes.
Sorry @gonetropo that you had a bad experience, can you remember which model it was? Some of the cheap ones e.g. KASPA are made in China and branded Weaver which to my mind is never a good idea as they are seriously inferior to the Jap made ones.
If you've saved $500, do yourself a favour and save another $500 and then go buy a leupy and never look back.
I picked up my vx5hd 3-15x44 for $1200 with rings and it's so much better than anything half that price.
Worth eating noodles for a week if you ask me
Just a counter-comment @dannyb, I certainly don’t have anything against Leupold, but it is worth reminding ourselves that brands are one thing, cost, “made in” and the actual origin of components is another. Weaver Grand Slams and Super Slams are made by Light Optical Works in Japan. Now the list of brands made in that factory changes depending on who you talk to, and when I say “made” I specifically mean glass manufacture. Some or all of the Nightforce glass is LOW for example. Other brands are manufactured 100% there, e.g. Bushnell Elite.
Leupold glass is sourced from Asia and a fair proportion of it comes from LOW, so I am told by my cuz who should know these things as he and his wife own an agency that imports a range of specialist optical equipment for all manner of industries. His decision to go with Weavers was simply because the part he wanted to ensure was good quality was the same quality as many of the higher priced scopes. So its worth bearing in mind I think that sometimes, the price one is asked to pay for a specific brand might be double or triple, but the important part of the item (in this case the glass) might very well come from the same factory. I think this logic applies best to non-ballistic turret type scopes; when you get into reticle mechanics you need to trust that its robust and accurate and certainly some brands are better in this department than others.
That may well be the case but given the choice I know which one I would pick every time......no hate, not bashing weavers I'm just saying you can get a lot more scope for $1000 than you can for $500 be it leupold or any other brand, do ya homework and get the one that bests suits your use
That's why I'm a bit of a fan of these Tract 'scopes. They are made in the LOW factory using HD glass and the top line ones (Toric) have German Schott glass. As well, they are direct sellers from the States so are cheaper than their competitors - and in many instances way ahead.
Always makes me laugh in these threads when the OP says I want to/can spend $x and people go saying spend $2x or save up $3x.
Personally I set a spend limit on an item for a reason. If I could justify/afford $2x I would say I can spend $2x. I assume other people do the same.
Experience. What you get just after you needed it.
How are you sourcing these Tract scopes @Tahr? They look very interesting.