how far you shooting? is weight important? the leica will be big and heavy.
currently running a vx5 3 to 15 and a vx3 3.5 to 10. have shot gongs out to 610 yards easy peasy with the vx3 and my short barrel 7mm08. was worried ten power might be a hindrance but nope. all good. plus it's halfish the size of the vx5.
the only difference between the vx5 and the vx6 is the the turrets to my knowledge the glass is the same.
the vx5 lives on the wsm and I'm happy with that.
the vx3 suits the little kimber classic. tried a z5 but it was looong in relation to the action and I didn't feel the love.
plus ki love the alumina scope caps to cover the glass when fighting through wet nasty scratchy stuff.