Clearidge rim fire 3-9×32 from the optic zone have run it on hard kicking centre fires cannot break it.
Clearidge rim fire 3-9×32 from the optic zone have run it on hard kicking centre fires cannot break it.
The difference between std and "rimfire" versions of the same scope is often only that the parallax is set to say 75yds on the rimfire one. The mechanicals are otherwise the same.
I bought a Leapold FX-2 for my Anshutz because it was pretty. Some forum members who were in the truck night shooting at a forum hunt in Kurow years ago will remember it breaking my best ever run of consecutive rabbits. Broke a cross hair. Never broken cross hairs on a .22 with anything else, even $5 Chinese shit.
Pretty sure in this case compared to regular Leapolds, the internals are junk. Otherwise I agree with you. Some terrible internals hold zero well, though you can spend days trying to get that zero.
I have a few fixed power leopolds, but even they now look dark to look through now im used to better stuff. had a nico stirling silver crown on a 10/22 for almost 20 years that is still holding up on a mates .243- a cheep scope can be serviceable
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I have a el cheapo no brand 6-24x50. I do not trust its turrets. But for 25-50m 22lr target shooting it is very adequate, lowering magnification to x20 it is very clear and bright, image quality is slightly worse than VX3 6-20 (a 1,200 dollar scope) but not by much, and the difference certainly has no effect for 25m shooting.
Cheapest I'm running is a Bushnell Trophy 3-9x40 on a 22. Impressive scope for the money, I have a Nikon rimfire on the other 22 but find the reticle a bit busy and get a bit of tunnel view effect. Next step up is a couple of Burris FF1 3-9x40's on a 308 and a 762x39, I really like these and reckon they're excellent bang for the dollars.
Got GC 3-9 and a Nikko Stirling 4-16 in storage for emergency but probably going to throw or gift them as it's like looking through an old milk bottle compared with the others.
I bought a Weaver Kaspa 1-4x24mm on a whim for $89. USD and have been using it on a Win Model 70 in 222 Rem and it is working well for me, quite clear, holds zero and adjustments have been spot on.
I use a number of Leupold Varix-II, VX-II and VX-2 1-4x20mm scopes on my combo guns and have been very happy with them over the years, I just purchased one of the new Leupold Freedom scopes in 1-4x20mm ($199. USD) and it looks every bit as good as the VX-2 line, time will tell
Cameraland had a special on Athlon Argos scopes and I picked up a 2-10x40mm with duplex reticle($129. USD) and it too has worked well again clear and adjustments spot on, turrets are a little high, I could do with out them as most of my shooting is under 300 yards on predators. I like the 4x power range with a large FOV on the bottom end and 10x on the top. I was at my nieces and took it on one hunt and picked up one coyote. My niece shot it at the range and just loved it, I'm rather short in stature and the a Weatherby/Howa Vanguard in 223 Youth model so it fit her well also. I left it for her to shoot over the next year until I can build her a rifle, girly stuff, pink and grey laminated stock etc.
Last edited by AWS; 22-02-2019 at 02:06 PM.
Cheapest would have been a Vortex Crossfire 3-9x42. Not baaaad, but it didn't do anything particularly well.
I've had all sorts of scopes ranging from the mid-priced to the very expensive, and dollar for dollar, I still think you can't go past a Leupold vx2 or vx3. Everything you need and nothing you don't (for a general purpose rig).
A $50 scope I bought secondhand from Serious Shooters Rotovegas. Sits on one of my .22s. It’s good to go.
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NC Star long eye Relief 4 power...............and its lasted 4 years of .22LR shooting and tracks just fine!!
Fitted to an Anshultz exemplar pistol where I whack the elevation knob up and down 30 clicks from the 25yd target out to the 100 yds target. It is absolutely tracking perfectly as the combo of Eley Match and an anshultz barrel is a tack driver and every click is repeatable.
I even used one on my XP 7mmBR and it lasted two years and gave faithful service until the elevation knob stopped working.
Would I put one on anything going into the field......absolutely not but in .22LR range shooting absolutely.
Never tried their offering in rifle scopes however.
I have a tasco 4x and next up a leupold 4x . They work fine in the bush up to 200 m ish
There is a Hubertus 4x32 on my old stirling 14P 22 I bought back in about 87. Comparing it to my other scopes its maybe a 3x not a 4x. Fell off the motorbike and broke the bolt handle once and it survived that ok. Treated it like crap really. Would always shoot where I wanted it to. Never fogged up and never seemed to move and could never blame missing anything on the scope. I doubt it was more than a very budget model and I didn't actually buy it but geez its done well
Bought this Firewolf 2-10 about 18 months ago of aliexpress cos I wanted to play with dialling my 22. Never got round to it so its sat in the draw untill a couple days ago. Decided to take the VX5 2-10 off my AR and put it on a new rifle so I got this scope out and put it on the AR.
Had a play with it today between rounds with another rifle and its pretty impresive really for a <$200 scope. Dialled it up, down, left, right and all over the show and it rerurned to zero perfect every time. Turrets are pop up to dial and push down to lock. Has a reticle thats really good and the glass is pretty good too, I was shooting a rifle with a VX5 on it and usually if you picked up a shit scope straight after using a decent scope like a vx5 you would notice how crap the cheap scope was straight away but none of that at all. Pleasantly surprised
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