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Thread: Why are they called foresight & back/rear sight?

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by No good names left View Post
    Does it taste tangy ?

    : a projecting shank, prong, fang, or tongue (as on a knife, file, or sword) to connect with the handle
    Bagheera likes this.
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  2. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hermitage View Post
    I'm sure there is probably a very simple answer to this question, but I just don't know it...so

    If you look at a photo or painting, the 'foreground' is the part of the image that looks closest to you (ie a beach). While the 'background' is the part in the image that looks farthest away from the observer (ie the sea).

    However with a firearm, the 'foresight' is the part of the rifle that is farthest away from you... while the 'backsight' is the part that is closest to you.

    Fore = Situated in front or in front of some other thing or part. imagine what a battle hardened drill Seargant Major would make of this ; ya pulling ma fecken chain soldier :
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  3. #18
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    Querying the name of things can be tricky: does a babysitter sit on babies? Does a steamroller roll steam? Is a sausage dog made of sausages? Is a rock group a group of rocks? Can you eat off a satellite dish? How many zoos can a zookeeper keep??

  4. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hermitage View Post
    I'm sure there is probably a very simple answer to this question, but I just don't know it...so

    If you look at a photo or painting, the 'foreground' is the part of the image that looks closest to you (ie a beach). While the 'background' is the part in the image that looks farthest away from the observer (ie the sea).

    However with a firearm, the 'foresight' is the part of the rifle that is farthest away from you... while the 'backsight' is the part that is closest to you.

    So why is it called a foreskin, not a back or rear skin?
    Just out of interest, which one are you putting closest to your eye?
    Bagheera, 308, Woody and 1 others like this.
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  5. #20
    308 is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by No good names left View Post
    Prob more like a deep & meaningful thought at the end of a long day
    Err, no
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  6. #21
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    Airnt you the joker who proclaimed in a post a while back that you could answer any question in the universe lickety split with some narcissistic algarithim?Yeah it was you.Plse nobody respond to his bait
    7mmwsm and Micky Duck like this.

  7. #22
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    The tapered tang on early iron tools (think of a metal file or rasp) was simply driven into a piece of wood for a handle. We would likely not recognise the language the smith used at the time and it was certainly not English or any of its ancestors. It is possible that the word is based on the sound that was made as the tang was shaped on the anvil. Rear sights on some target rifles were attached to the wooden butt stock just ahead of the butt plate for use in the now obsolete back position where the rifleman lay on their back with the butt in their armpit and the fore stock resting on their leg. The rear sight could also be moved to the tang position for prone shooting. These rifles had long barrels so do not try this with your bush pig.
    Regards Grandpamac.
    Bagheera, Micky Duck and Finnwolf like this.

  8. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by 7mmwsm View Post
    So why is it called a foreskin, not a back or rear skin?
    Just out of interest, which one are you putting closest to your eye?
    Unfortunately mine won't reach that far
    Micky Duck, Ranger 888 and Brad S like this.

  9. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by No good names left View Post
    Unfortunately mine won't reach that far
    Unfortunately? Why would you want it close to your eye?
    As for fore sight, the fore-end is closest to the end of the barrel. Ergo that sight would be of the fore variety
    7mmwsm likes this.

  10. #25
    Member Micky Duck's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Joe_90 View Post
    because it would just be silly to have the tang sight on the butt stock. It needed to get fixed to the something appropiate,.

    well if it was an aperture sight and was attached onto the butt rather than the tang...it could rightly be called a butthole sight...and that would just be wrong on so many levels
    Joe_90, Finnwolf and will.i.em like this.
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  11. #26
    Member Micky Duck's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 7mmwsm View Post
    So why is it called a foreskin, not a back or rear skin?
    Just out of interest, which one are you putting closest to your eye?
    why a blowjob when its more of a suck????
    we get tea tree oil from tea trees
    whale oil from whales
    olive oil from olives
    but you get in trouble if try to extract baby oil the same way

    we have yesterday but not yesternight
    Ranger 888 likes this.
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  12. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by Micky Duck View Post
    well if it was an aperture sight and was attached onto the butt rather than the tang...it could rightly be called a butthole sight...and that would just be wrong on so many levels
    I have seen a picture of someone using the back position. They look as though they bounced of something solid while rushing to get to the shooting mound.
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  13. #28
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    Is it a cold wet day out there at the moment?
    Micky Duck likes this.
    ‘Many of my bullets have died in vain’

  14. #29
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hermitage View Post
    I'm sure there is probably a very simple answer to this question, but I just don't know it...so

    If you look at a photo or painting, the 'foreground' is the part of the image that looks closest to you (ie a beach). While the 'background' is the part in the image that looks farthest away from the observer (ie the sea).

    However with a firearm, the 'foresight' is the part of the rifle that is farthest away from you... while the 'backsight' is the part that is closest to you.

    When I look at a firearm, the muzzle end is the front of it, and the other side is the backend. I like to think that's why it's called a "butt".

    Hence, the 'foresight' being at the front of the rifle and the 'backsight' is at the back of the rifle.
    Micky Duck likes this.

  15. #30
    Join Date
    Apr 2022
    New Plymouth
    I cant quite understand why so many decided to give this a sensible reply when clearly all one needed was a blinken dictionary - it was a humorous send up right - ya frekin pulling ma chain soldier which end of ya puny little appendage is ya foreskin yes the part that goes first so which end of your rifle is your fore sight - repeat this is my rifle
    Micky Duck and Ranger 888 like this.



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