thanks for sharing, will review all my Winchester 308, glad I don't have much of it left...
That, and the fact that there's at least two quality issues that are being ignored. If there are two, I'd bet there are more, and they have said squat. That's two guns ruined, are they going to wait until someone has a face full of metal or worse before they at least issue a recall and check of what they are selling to the public?
My mate had some issues with Winchester last month. We sighted his new rifle with Win in April ,was doing just over 1" @ 100 yd. Than he bought a few more boxes of .308 PP 150gr, from a different batch. Groups opened up 3,4-4" @ 100Checked scope - stock screws - bases nothing wrong. Checked ammo and was a bit surprised.
Out of 3 box:
- 21 had a full crimp
- on 8 the crimp was hardly visible, just on the edge of the case mouth
- the rest has been crimped sideways
The bullet seating depth showed 3.8 mm difference between the two extreme.
After firing some of the brass started to split at the mouth where the bloody collet weakened the material.
Tried my SST loads unfortunately his rifle doesn't like it, so he's shooting Federal now.
Nothing is tough about having a 70 lb bow and looking like an uncoordinated praying mantis while trying to draw it back.
ammo issue or rifle issue is the other thing did it happen on the 1st shot did you have a look at some other cases and were they ok.... havehing said that my bet is the ammo same as you @Tommy
i brought a pack a fre years ago (308) it had 2 7mm-08 in it was a sealed pack right out the brick (shop had to open a new box of boxes for me as they had run out on the shelf i saw them cut the factory seal and everything the new zealand importer for winchester should have to reinburse the cost of his rifle and box of ammo
hes very lucky he wasnt hurt thats the main thing.... the rifle can be replaced or fixed with a rebarrel and fix up the bolt?????
@Happy wasn't this the brand you had issues feeding and with the shoulders in .308 a couple of weekends ago in Puhoi? Seemsa little co-incidental
Might be so common issues here off a faulty machine or their tollerances are way out.... Bullet seating out of the box varied about 3.5mm to my eye Harv-meister was showing me...
Donate them to ole P38 ................. I'll safely dispose of them for you one at a time.
Why risk your ruining your expensive rifle with these substandard primers?
Donate them to ole P38 ......... I'll safely dispose of them for you one at a time.
I've had exactly the same thing happen to me in my Winchester 94 44mag.
I noticed two ejected cases had burnt through the side walls almost the entire length of the case when I ejected them from the firearm
I immediately emptied the remaining rounds from the magazine and found one projectile had been pushed almost all the way back into the case.
This round had a visible split the length of the case
Upon inspection of the remaining 20 odd loaded cases in the packet of 50 I found three more with visible cracks down the length of the case.
These were new PMC rounds purchased from a local sports store.
on the advise of the store owner I wrote to the NZ distributor and sent them a couple of the rounds as evidence and asked how this could happen.
I'm currently waiting for their reply, however I'm not holding my breath as this occurred in 1984.
Last edited by P38; 31-08-2015 at 05:28 PM.
No my ammo was Belmont plus new reloads in Lapua cases. I m still waiting to find out what's wrong. Couldn't fit fired cases back in it wtf ?
But the ammo all worked fine in another gun so it definitely a firearm not ammo problem..Under warranty be my first one ever I ve had problems like that with ....
"This is my Flag... Ill only have the one ..
That picture of the big bright gouge in the casing is a new unfired round straight out of the packet! Over half the unfired rounds had the same cut, they hadn't been loaded into the magazine or anything. The other picture there is obviously the one that has been fired and had the malfunction, I think it was the fifth or so round that he'd fired that afternoon.
Ahh Happy Remembered the Lapua handloads - just couldn't remember the factory stuff you were also having issue with..
Ahh Happy Remembered the Lapua handloads - just couldn't remember the factory stuff you were also having issue with.. But I do remember Harvey showing us the different shell projectile seating depth weren't those Winchester in the white packet...
Return the faulty ammo (well photographed and written up) to the retailer in the first instance. Winchester NZ are required to replace the faulty ammo and also make good any loss incurred through its use, provided the ammo is proven to be faulty. Is it possible that there is a burr on the edge of the chamber of the rifle that could have caused the gouge when cycling the rounds through the action? Such ammo faults are not common, and the factories conduct QC checks during production to avoid such things. If a batch has come from US production with those faults then Winchester could be in deep crap, given the sort of damage claims given by US courts.