HOW ABOUT ONE IN titanium @Rushy
HOW ABOUT ONE IN titanium @Rushy
Boom, cough,cough,cough
An itch ... is ... a desire to scratch
Aussie were absolutely freaking out about this. as far as the anti gunners are concerned they have the best firearms laws in the world with any attempt at easing met with cries of "what about port Arthur", the massacre that caused them.
This is the same country that banned silencers even for 22's so you can see how news worthy it would be.
Funnily enough a dude got caught in Sydney the other day with a bunch of firearms 060 odd I think)with some not available in aussie with no license.
I would suggest that they are an example of the ones that went underground during the buy backs but they don't like admitting that ever happened.
And the cops did not look for them when they revoked his license due to mental health issues?????? They only picked it up because he started buying flak jackets and combat vests.....Spying on people much?
@timattalon its probably because they think they have it perfect and all sorted. As an ex firearms owner he was off the system.
Buying flak jackets etc probably bought him into terror watch group status. Way different animal.
I was disappointed when I saw the first Stihl with plastic crankcases..its still going strong ,but in the back of my mind I always wonder. So Real plastic guns, have always been possible since that level of plastic technology has been around.
Maybe. But as someone who they had taken his license from him rather than surrendering it, you would have thought that he did not lose his interest in guns and taking a license away from someone does not mean they will lose interest because someone said they had to. In fact it tends to reinforce that thye will do it anyway. Thus he should have been on their radar as they knew he was "into" firearms and was not allowed them.
Yup fair call. A lot of aussie have the same attitude as some Americans. Very distrustful of the authority and don't like being told what to do.
Ned Kelly is highly regarded over there and a lot would like to be just like him. Anecdotally there were a lot sold during the buyback before they got squashed as well as secreted away in a gesture against the whole thing
Yet one could walk into a $2 shop and buy a "knife" and yeah.... Nobody that wants to use a firearm for crime is gonna fuck around with 3D printing. Just go see your dodgy gang mates for a sawn off you fucken tech nerds.
Sorry that was meant tongue in cheek. But point remains the same.
Last edited by Preacher; 06-09-2018 at 12:18 AM. Reason: Tourettes
Might start importing bamboo bangers, that should get em worried.
Use enough gun
Maybe more so on the radar as parts of Oz have laws against bulletproof vests... perhaps a hangover from Ned Kelly.
"Interference with lawful right to gun down"... not sure how the offense would be worded in court.
An itch ... is ... a desire to scratch
What a silly thing to be freaking out about...
3D printed firearms are a novelty. Unless you decide to invest 100's of thousands of $ on a sintering printer, whatever you produce will be pretty sketchy. Maybe with barrel liners etc, and some of the modern plastics you could make something reasonably functional, but still..
Compare that you anyone who has a metal lathe and some basic tooling, and you have the ability to manufacture something that is far more practical.
Stuff like zip guns or home-made shotguns are ridiculously easy to make.
Do even a cursory search on youtube, and you will learn how to make rifled barrels with very simple tools...
The entire thing is a non-issue.
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