Slightly*off topic but my mate said his bil missed a huge Raukumara stag yesterday because he dialled up his scope [ swaro]the wrong way. Next year he said. LOL.
Quick pre roar trip check shot around 2 weeks ago tomorrow I always like to check before a trip but I also dropped the rifle directly on its head trying to weigh it with luggage scales I think it bounced from can to scope so would have some what broke the fall also wanted to double down on the velocity as iv now fitted a cds accuracy is more than good enough for my intended use and it had an sd of 14.5 across the 10 shots which is also good enough for my max range of 400 yards . Note the only shot I’m certain of is #3 I know #1 and 2# were far right and together the rest is just marking impacts in no confirmed order for the purpose of marking the shots I also see now iv finished mucking with the app one shot is out of place as theirs a hole just behind the aim point
Vx3 hd 30mm
Talley rings
Last zeroed when switching from lrab to eldx
Why? My sons VX3I has Leupold rings. But it appears it is not zeroed. Resighting this morning. Might have to get MD rings ... electrical tape. Gotta say that has worked on my scope of same model. My mate runs Burris and he is on a farm. He says he never resights his gun. His last Burris before it fogged went over 20 years without resighting.
This is an interesting thread .
I’ve used Leupold scopes on and off for about 35 years .
I can’t say that I’ve ever noticed any wandering zero issues with them .
One observation that I have in regards to the current move to larger group samples is the variable that gets introduced when overlaying multiple groups . When you break position between each group to reload your magazine/ let the barrel cool down etc your position/ setup / shooting form has more chance of introducing a zero shift than your Leupold .
I did a test a while ago where I stood up / lifted the rifle up off the ground between each shot , then had to reset myself all over again .
That 10 shot group was noticeably larger .
Scope mounts / bases have actually caused me more grief over the years than any of my scopes ( Zeiss/Meopta/Leupold/Swaro) if I’m honest .
Just did a rezero check after a new slightly bigger suppresser fitted.After these five 308 shots at a hundy,thru my day scope and thermal clip on.2 clks right all good.
Regarding Leupold scopes. I’ve got 2x M8 4power scopes x never had any zero issues with either. One is currently not fitted to rifle which is my current night hunting one. The other is fitted to M70 Win with Leupold rigs/bases for 40+ years. Only time I’ve rezeroed is when I’ve occasionally changed ammo brands/loads.