Dry firing a .22LR isn't recommended, so is there such a thing as a snapcap ?
A-Zoom make snapcaps for centerfire but for 22LR they just sell "dummy rounds" for testing rifle function and handling practice but advise they are not to be used for dry firing and that if you do they will only last 4 or 5 clicks.
Other applications as well as dry fire practice would be:
Check fed and specially ejection, which can require some work when ejector claws get worn. You could use live rounds if you're careful.
Adjust trigger pressure by trial and error. This is dry firing of course but perhaps only a few snaps will be needed before you've got the weight you want. Live rounds not recommended !
I decided to try some out. Here is the packet:
Here's what they look like:
They are the same dimensions as a live 22LR round but being made of aluminium they are much lighter and also smoother without wax so they aren't an exact substitute for practicing stuff like loading the mag without looking in the dark or wearing gloves. Everyone can do with practice at loading the mag without dropping their ammo on the ground.
They are a bright blue colour so a colourblind bloke can easily see whether they are live or dummy rounds. Rule #1 of using snapcaps is to never have live and dummy rounds out at the same time. Rule #2 is to keep them clean.
They stack in the mag just fine, feed and eject perfectly.
Here are some snapped a few times in an indoor dry fire session. Very nice being in your own warm hallway on carpet when its 1 degree C outside or at the range. As you can see, the firing pin leaves an indent and breaks the anodising but they are still feeding and working OK. In some places the pin has struck the same spot a few times but so far without cumulative damage.
Here are some snapped with a different square shaped firing pin. This is a Norinco JW15, which jams the bolt shut and is quite hard to open inf you dry fire it empty.
I can store them in a little plastic clp top box to keep them clean and tidy:
I'm still not sure if they are a good idea or not. I'll keep a few unused for future trigger or ejection use and use the others for dry fire from time to time.