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Thread: 6mm Creedmoor and 108gr ELD-M performance

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    The NZ made 105 Targex (they use Berger jackets) might be worth a try. The 95grn are very good (and popular) in 1:10 .243. Ive used them a lot, and the 69grn in .223. Pretty damned good.

  2. #17
    Member Timmay's Avatar
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    @Flyblown, do you happen to have a 103gn ELDX projectile still? If so can you please measure the overall length of the pill and also estimate the length of the tip. The JBM calculator suggests these could stabilize in a 1:9 & 1/8th Twist Remington but I need to confirm the tip length.

    Note, please don't measure along the angle of the tip but make sure the measurement is following the straight wall of the projectile.

    Thanks in advance.

  3. #18
    sneakywaza I got
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    The 95 Berger in a .243 at 3050 isn't exactly a slouch, and kills everything it gets pointed at rapidly, of course I could load Prohunters slow and then point out how anemic my .243 is compared to something else.......Imagine what a fast twist .243 would do to the 6mm Creedmoor comarason.
    SlimySquirrel likes this.

  4. #19
    Member Flyblown's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Timmay View Post
    @Flyblown, do you happen to have a 103gn ELDX projectile still? If so can you please measure the overall length of the pill and also estimate the length of the tip. The JBM calculator suggests these could stabilize in a 1:9 & 1/8th Twist Remington but I need to confirm the tip length.

    Note, please don't measure along the angle of the tip but make sure the measurement is following the straight wall of the projectile.

    Thanks in advance.
    I’ve never had this bullet mate. Only the 90gr ELD-X in 6mm.

  5. #20
    ebf is offline
    Mushroom juice ! Hic ! ebf's Avatar
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    Nice ! Nothing wrong with a multi-use projectile. The ELD-M seems to follow on the tradition of the old Amax.

    I love having a projectile that you can confidently use for gongs and paper one day, and then for taking animals the next. The 7mm 162gr Amax/ELD-M was about as close to perfection as you could get in my experience.

    Hopefully the current drought of projectiles stops, I'd like to play with the 143/147 ELDs in 6.5 Creed, at the moment I am stuck on a target projectile that I would not be keen to take hunting.
    Viva la Howa ! R.I.P. Toby | Black rifles matter... | #illegitimate_ute

  6. #21
    Gone but not forgotten
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    Quote Originally Posted by Timmay View Post
    @Flyblown, do you happen to have a 103gn ELDX projectile still? If so can you please measure the overall length of the pill and also estimate the length of the tip. The JBM calculator suggests these could stabilize in a 1:9 & 1/8th Twist Remington but I need to confirm the tip length.

    Note, please don't measure along the angle of the tip but make sure the measurement is following the straight wall of the projectile.

    Thanks in advance.
    1.258” total length according to an old thread, which rings a bell from when I measured some



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