Greetings @XR500,
The greatest mistake made by first time vegetable gardeners is to dig up a large area (usually in Spring) and plant the whole lot in one go. As long as they have not lost interest by Christmas this will result in a massive oversupply in late Summer, early Autumn of short life vegetables just when they are cheap. My late father was an avid vegetable gardener right up until his death. At that time he had a tiny garden barely more than 5m2. From this he provided most of his vegetables and still managed to place surplus outside the gate to his flat on Tuesdays for distribution by the ladies in the other flats.
I am somewhat between vegetable gardens currently. I have found the weeding and other work in my old garden difficult so am changing to a strip garden. The strips are 700mm wide with 500mm between cut into an existing lawn. I can mow between the strips and weeding is much easier. Currently we have carrots, bok choy, silver beet and shortly snow peas. There is space for spring plantings and more beds this season.
Regards Grandpamac.