Yep..Well said Sidney.
But I'll add, I'll put a box of beer on it that not one structure that got damaged in the recent floods was on land that had never been flooded before.
All this "since records began" is the sort of stuff that should be restricted to school projects.
Anyone can stand on a hill over looking a flood/silt plain and see where the water has been up to previously. I'd trust my own eyes over records any day.
People standing in desperation on a flood plain wondering why the silt has destroyed their orchards? I sympathise... but its a flood plain. Did you seriously believe that it has never happened before? Its like having your children lecturing you on how to look after their children.
Perhaps if we didn't get our data from incompetents like Niwa, who like to be taken by surprise by everything that happens, we might have a population that understands risk a little better?