Least ya saw something and a running shots ok if you have clear line of sight imo
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Least ya saw something and a running shots ok if you have clear line of sight imo
Sent from my GT-N7100 using Tapatalk 2
Hard luck on the Red Scouser. Every trip out hunting you learn new things, which is good. We all have/will missed a shot on a deer (or two) at some stage, all part of the learning curve.
As stated above, its good to get out and practice shooting, anything from targets, cans, rabbits, anything really with your main hunting rifle. It helps to build up muscle memory and familiarise yourself with your boomstick. Gives you one less thing to think about when you have to make a snap shot, until you get to the stage where all you think is..."fuck! its a deer! fucking shoot it!" as you so poetically stated.![]()
Hunting is not a hobby.....its an addiction
Thats not a fail Scouser least you were out there doing it and not firing blanks![]()
"Thats not a knife, this is a knife"
Rule 2: Always point firearms in a safe direction
tps://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/generic?iso=20180505T00&p0=264&msg=Dundees+Countdo wn+to+Gamebird+Season+2018&font=cursive
hey, if it was too easy would it be any fun? Its times like those that keep me coming back for more!
Given time and practice, its possible to place good kill shots on running game with confidence. If the North Auckland branch of the DA ever get the Running Boar range going again, it's absolutely the best thing to build confidence and get dialled in on moving game. I never thought about shooting anything on the run until I'd shot 50mRB and 10mRT competitively for a while and now I won't hesitate, providing, of course, it's safe.
For those whose local DA branch has a functioning 50mRB range, get stuck in! In Europe, many countries won't let you have a hunting permit until you've shot a specific score on their running game target. Some are at 100m and you have to get two shots away during the targets run. Quite challenging and a good way of ensuring a reasonable skill level is reached before the hunter goes after real game.
Good stuff though Scouser, you'll nail one next time![]()
10MRT shooters do it 60 times, in two directions and at two speeds.
Absolutely not a fail Scouser - that's bush hunting.
Now you are on your way you've found something that works (got a chance) and something that didn't (missed) so it's just an ongoing process of keeping what works and changing what doesn't.
Good advice from Bill and others. First one I got was a snapshot that was pure instinct from really close. After it's head had exploded I realised that the -clear- flip covers on the scope were still on.duh.
Even though it's hard on the knees I find one of the things that works for me is to crouch down and take a look from about knee-high - sometimes I am rewarded with the sight of a few legs sticking down from a clump of ponga fern that I wouldn't have seen from 6foot up.
keep at it - the harder ya work, the luckier ya get
Unlucky this time Scouser. Chin up, and back out there young man!!!![]()
Good on ya mate, true about the buck fever and it never goes away , you just have different levels of dealing with it, speed and confidence comes with experience, in my opinion a closed bolt uncocked is the safest way to hunt but sounds like your aware of your buddy and are onto it ,
man that running boar sounds like the ticket
we have to practice on boring old rabbits with our 22s
Big thanks for all the words of advice and encouragement.....theres no stopping me now, im hooked.....big time
im not dwelling on the miss, rather the fact that i finally 'lined one up'.....
While I might not be as good as I once was, Im as good once as I ever was!
Rule 4: Identify your target beyond all doubt
just remember where you saw it, winter deer dont move round too much, then watch to make sure the wind is in your face and stalk in slowly to that area stopping and looking more than walking
[QUOTE=phillipgr;149573]I bet the misses loves it, wait till you finally get one!
Ermmm, if your suggesting what i think your suggesting thats between 'mrs scouser' and myself young man!
While I might not be as good as I once was, Im as good once as I ever was!
Rule 4: Identify your target beyond all doubt