First hunt headed into a different spot 4pm spotted some deer 700m away and stalked into them to 400m. Was one mature hind without a fawn and after 20min to make sure she didn’t have a little one around. We closed the gap to 360m with a good shooting position on a big flat rock, got the environmental and dial-up needed, lined her and boomfa. All I seen was 4 deer running off into the bush, I lost the sight did a follow through with a hard extraction and checked the brass case. It had all the pressure signs flattened primer, ejection mark and almost head space separation ( not ideal ). I pulled the bolt out and checked the barrel and suppressor all good.
Now did I hit the hind or not?. On with the day bag and meat recovery time. The hound made good time of tracking to the shot area with hot sent everywhere and there she was she drop off the small bluff she was feeding on. Shot placement was exactly where I was aiming, so the over pressure case didn’t change the point of impact because I thought I had missed it completely.
That was the only shot fired and pulled the pin on that trip.
Happy dog with his venison
5 times fired case with pressure signs, I normally get 6-8 firing before I get loose primer pockets. The case separation mark is 80% around the case. Unknown reason why other than too much wind in the room when using powder scales? I pulled the batch of ammo checking powder charge weight ( all ok ).
The last time this happened was about 13,000 rounds ago on another rifle so not to bad.
Next trip another area and more opportunities. Plenty of goats and the odd deer, most of the stags had stripped their velvet and a couple still had fully white antlers and none had any bey tines. Fawns getting bigger loosing their spots and browsing with their moms.
13 goats for the trip from 130m out 550m and they definitely didn’t like the Sierra 168gr TMK’s.
A 48 degree uphill shot on the chest on a bluff and 4 second free fall.
The closest deer for the trip 441m away on top of the slip in the shadows, we seen 5 deer in this spot and waited 5 hours for a clean shot up at them.
A small head 6 pointer dropped on the spot. It was a hard climb on all fours weaving our way around a lot of stinging nettle to get up to him.
Whats left of the 168gr TMK on the stag from a 441m shot on both shoulders on the off side skin.
Great performance for a 16” 308 @ 2550fps.