All about pighunting by Bill Westwood
if you run dogs at all... this is a great read...Bill is really into animal behaviour a very cleaver man who Im happy to call a mate.
All about pighunting by Bill Westwood
if you run dogs at all... this is a great read...Bill is really into animal behaviour a very cleaver man who Im happy to call a mate.
75/15/10 black powder matters
Cliff Peart Meat Hunter by Brian Conroy is from the diaries of Cliff Peart. So evocative of the era and mood of ground based hunting. A truly enthralling book. Conroy has come into his own as an author.
We used to sing along to Cliff swinging on the piano down at mussel flat airstrip,(so so so brother Clifford) one of the many happy toones.
Dave Drangsholt, ex culler, Aussie wrote a ripper yarn.
Enjoyed Holden's first book so much, especially about the ureweras and the rusa deer that I wondered off up there to see these exotics for myself, spend about ten yrs up there. Some absolutely wonderfull bush hunting that away.
'Hawks' by Andrew Grant is a great read. Fiction based on the Deer Wars and written by a South Island hunter and fisherman. His other works include 'Tyler's Gold', 'Mesquite Smoke-Dance', 'Death in the Kingdom', and ' Singapore Sling Shot', all ripping action stories and great reading. They are a few years old now but worth looking for. 'Dustoff For Willie Peters" by Graeme Sturgeon is also a cracking fact-based novel that is a must read.
A book based upon fictional competence, emotion ,mass media backing with a touch of religious appropriation.The fact she resides in a country where she is subject to 10% tax had no bearing on the huge advance she received prior to publishing.
Anyhow surely the majority of the profits she will donate to New Zealand charities? Right?
"Sixty percent of the time,it works every time"
Her right eye has gone a bit funny.
@norsk youve got a missed call
C'mon guys, the thread is titled Excellent books by Kiwis...not excrement books...
One that hasn't been mentioned yet I think is the seminal read by Mike Bennett on the Venison industry "The venison hunters".
Churning through another good read from Davey Hughes of Swazi. Excellent read. Some excellent thoughts about supporting New Zealand made.
"Death - our community's number one killer"
His experience also makes for grim reading re societal work ethics (the desire to work and achieve). I first met him when he ran his school uniform making business from the old railway station in Levin, with 6 ladies on the sewing machines. He was just starting to branch out into a range of outdoor clothing as he was unhappy with existing outdoor clothing. In quick succession he outgrew 2 or 3 industrial locations, and at its zenith had 40 or more seamstresses churning out quality gear, each with their own personal (hand made by YY) tag on the clothing.
But as time has progressed he has found it more and more difficult to find kiwis who want to be seamstresses. And now most of his workforce from the Swazi hey days have retired. and his skilled workforce has shrunk to just a few that make the more technical Swazi gear, the easy stuff to churn out being made in Thailand.
As the past three years have shown, when countries export most all of their industrial and manufacturing capability, everythings sweet...til its not.
But don't ever forget that Davey sold gun owners down the river after the mosque shooting. He may have had a great life and written a book but a sell-out is still a sell-out. That book isnt on my bookshelf
Surely VC Willie must be up there
An Era Gone, Dave Ratcliffe, the moon landing drinking session sticks in my mind