I recently went on my first ‘proper’ hunt (previously just went out tramping and took a rifle just in case) and thought someone might be interested in hearing about it. After having a rather wet holiday period, a mate and I made a plan to escape for a hunt before the working year really started in earnest. We finished up work earlier on Friday and jumped in the Ute to hit the hills. We arrived at the car park around 7:30pm, so had a bit under 2hrs before sunset.
Along the track we went, my mate charging on ahead with me following along at a more leisurely pace (evidenced by my seeing sign along the way and he didn’t) until the light started to fade. We found a relatively flat spot in the bush to make camp for the night. Unfortunately, I woke up not really feeling great, such that I wasn’t feeling up to our original plan heading to the tops. So here we were, sitting and discussing a new plan, when we hear some movement and the sound of branches snapping in the shrub nearby. We looked over and there was what looked to be a yearling having a feed. We each tried to reach for our rifles and load them as quietly as possible. I ended up telling my mate to go for it as he was pretty much ready to go. Of he goes to try and get a clear shot at this deer which was no more than 50m away from us, but alas, it took off. New plan- I would stay down low, taking my time and have a look around until we went home on Sunday, and he decided to bush bash up to the tops. I didn’t end up seeing anymore animals, but there was plenty of sign around! We kept in contact the whole time as there was reception the whole way- my mate reckons he saw 8-10 deer while he was up there but no suitable shots.
Whilst we didn’t come home with any animals, we were both fizzing from that deer being so close, and I’m hanging out for the next trip! Hopefully the photos come through ok, still getting the hang of posting things up on here.