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Thread: First solo hunt

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    Well done buddy! As many of the VERY experiment hunters have said before it is a great write up and illustration too. Keep the good work, with more venison in the freezer/table the "Boss" will give you more and more "Brownies" points.
    A "little" mess up now and then just make the hunt even more special, imagine you telling the story such as :

    "I walk the nice open track and went through the deer fence gate that take me to my already warm by the fire "someone" left for me, I had a great meal there and of to my nice cosy bed i went. I wake up at 5am and after restock the fire place and have a hot brew of i went for my stroll, walk for 15 minutes to a nice "nob" where i spot my 10 point stag completely unaware i was there, i shot it on a heart bit and with easy i broke it down, with a quick and easy walk down to the hut i had a good meal and within 2 hours down the nice track i was back in my truck. What a hunt!"

    Nah, it is "never" just like that, we must have some excitement and mishaps to tell about!

    Keep the great work!

  2. #17
    Member Delphus's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2019
    South Canterbury
    Thanks for the feedback, it's certainly a trip I'm not likely to forget!
    I just realised I wanted to give a shout out to @Sarvo about his talan boots, and missed it in the write up.
    I bought the winter pair, and was so impressed I am buying a summer pair for the warmer months.
    I have taken these boots up through scree and tussock, right up a river, crossing 7-8 times staying dry (until I crossed a section up to my thighs), and most recently on this trip up through bush, and back down with a very heavy pack on. Not once did I slip. They have excellent grip and feel, especially stepping on river stones. I haven't had any blisters from them, even coming back down the river, boots full of water. If you are looking for a new pair of boots, give these a crack, for the price you can't really lose! My 2¢ 😂
    ROKTOY likes this.

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Oct 2016
    Awesome story! You'll never forget that hunt

  4. #19
    Join Date
    Aug 2016
    Awesome story man! Sounds like a great trip and and an experience you won't soon forget. I am a pretty novice hunter and still to get my first deer, but one day i should have a story to share also!

  5. #20
    308 is offline
    Member 308's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Great writeup

    I found that if you can drag the gutbag a good 4-5 metres min downwind then the bulk of the flies go for that rather than your meat skeleton

    The other trick I do is to stick a couple of Bundaberg Ginger Ales on ice in the truck in a chillybin as something to look forward to on the way out - your beverage of choice may vary

    Happy hunting

  6. #21
    Member Micky Duck's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    great story Bud....was with you all the way through the tight tangle bits.good to hear you are on the board already,enjoy that venison.



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