Nice one mate. Good to be back home after your extended stay away?
Reminds me I have footage from two trips I need to sort out asap!!!
Nice one mate. Good to be back home after your extended stay away?
Reminds me I have footage from two trips I need to sort out asap!!!
I'm drawn to the mountains and the bush, it's where life is clear, where the world makes the most sense.
Oh wow, posting pics is quite easy! was just testing! a Haurangi stag that was snoozing in the sun, my old Sako 75 7mm08 Finnlite.
I enjoyed that, thanks for posting it.
Excellent video great looking spot, enjoyed that, cheers.
Great vid Craig.
moving to blenheim start of next year for work... Went down to Clarence for a hunt on public land earlier this year when I was in Blenheim sorting shit for work and can't wait to get back out down that way- blood easy hunting from what I saw! The mountain bike to get in is a mint idea that I might jump all over
Cheers for the vid
good trip Craig, cheers for sharing