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Thread: Long range for a 300 blackout subsonic

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by res View Post
    Have you tried the Lehigh pills? I have found them to be the best killing 300blk subsonic pills I have used. I haven't tried any long range with them as the cost to confirm the drops scares me
    Yes, just got another 2 box's of Lehigh 194gr Max Expansion from ODL, very good killers and large wound channel but have only shot a handful of deer with them, defiantly the best for body shots. In the weekend smacked a spiker and a sow at 85m in the neck and missed the spine but shredded the throat and jugular with them, he only went 30m before running out of oil pressure.
    They do cost a bit but well worth it for the meat you get back.
    veitnamcam, Kiwi Greg, res and 2 others like this.

  2. #17
    Member 300_BLK's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    This is bloody great to see.

    Hunting with a subsonic at ranges past 50m requires the same principles as LR hunting. The current 'Ethics of LR hunting' debate I see playing out in some hunting magazines lately frustrates me to no end.

    You cannot just throw a mandatory range out there and say that anything out past X distance is unethical.

    Great to see @tikka taking his kit out and practising with it to gain the confidence and experience to know what is ethical within his limits and then using a pooch to garuntee he finds his animal (not that he needed to, bloody great shot placement there mate!).

    Any fool can buy flash kit, it takes discipline and time to get out and practice to 'know your limits' so to speak.
    res and Tommy like this.



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