* Got lucky and fast, landed a block
* Big country, climbed some hills.
* Did some looking....
* Then some walking....
* Found a stag with some hinds, he was roaring. We could see him clearly in the binos but could barely hear him, amazing how the vastness of this place absorbs the sound. He is just over there.....
* No other animals mobbed up, mostly just hinds and yearlings.
* Found a loan hind, tipped her up, she rolled into scrub.
* Bloody hard to find but we got there in the end.
*Did more walking and seen some cool stuff
* Down hill was a bastard, tried to wear a bit off the front of my toes so my boots would fit better.
* The eclipse was awesome. Photo was a waste of time but here it is anyway
* Seen 23 deer, 4 cham, 9 pigs, 4 chukor & 2 bloody cats for the trip. Second one was up here at 1350m, hunting lizards he was !
* Left the stag with hinds for the next fella.
* Nabbed a couple of pigs instead
* Ended up with sore legs.
* Cant wait to go back !!
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