Well after dealing with the bucks legs and back steaks.One hind quarter was shot just above the knee joint which buggered a 1/3 of the bottom hind quarter meat.Buck running directing away from me.butt shot.
Decided to leave everything there and walk back to the truck about 30 minuts away,pretty sure nobody around for about 25ks,took the bolt with me.About a hr later got back to buck in truck.Loaded everything on the truck,brushed off the odd wasp on meat,all good.Got in the truck all excited about getting a buck,started patrol up and started to drive away.Bugger whats that scretching of metal and rattling of rocks,no big rocks there,got out of the truck.Theres my pride and joy flatten,scrope ripped off,suppresser head first into the shingle.ffs grrr was a understatement.Forgot all about the rifle on the ground in front off the truck,buck fever at its best.Broke my heart.
Plenty of tikas for sale in NZ,barrel doesnt look round looking down it,suppresser doest look healthy,scope rail lifted slightly.Bipod stuffed.
No 1.5x6x42 scopes for sale in NZ.Now to go home and tell my wife.Thats the hard bit,hope insurance company are good she said.I hoped for a couple more hunts befor winter,may be with the serbian 222.Il give a insurance report sometime.
Dont leave yr rifle on the ground when driving trucks about.