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  • 1 Post By oneipete
  • 7 Post By Shootm
  • 4 Post By oneipete

Thread: Mr 7's new rifle.

  1. #1
    Member oneipete's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    Waikato NZ

    Mr 7's new rifle.

    Bought mr 7 a new savage rascal .22 for his birthday last weekend. He has fired 5 rounds through my 22 before but its far too heavy and outsized for him.

    The video is somewhere around the 20th round of his first 50.Firing at a frozen milk bottle with 40gr subs.

    He got the hang of it quickly,last 30 rounds were in a 2 inch group,not bad with open sights.He was only allowed 3 shots on his birthday as he had not had the proper safety talk or been shown proper trigger control.

    The chickens are so used to the .308 etc that they didnt even stop eating for the .22.

    veitnamcam likes this.
    Guy Fawks the only man to enter parliament with the interests of the people in mind

  2. #2
    If your not fast your last Shootm's Avatar
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    Buy him some earmuffs for his birthday. And teach them young to use them.
    Hearing lose is a permanent thing. Not trying to be an A@&hole.
    Good on you for teaching gun safety etc. Start with good habits.
    Wildman, kiwijames, tetawa and 4 others like this.

    I Have Sexdaily. I mean Dyslexia! Fcuk!

  3. #3
    Member craigc's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shootm View Post
    Buy him some earmuffs for his birthday. And teach them young to use them.
    Hearing lose is a permanent thing. Not trying to be an A@&hole.
    Good on you for teaching gun safety etc. Start with good habits.
    Even better send it to SSRNZ - Scott made an internal bush for mine so it could take a suppressor.

  4. #4
    Member oneipete's Avatar
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    He was wearing special kid sized foam ear plugs i ordered from germany. I will be suppressing it in a week or two,theres enough barrel past the front site to thread it, and currently looking for a decent set of earmuffs that actually fit him. He had a set of peltor kids muffs but they are too small for him.

    I hear you on the hearing loss issue.He is only allowed subs till he has his new muffs.The ear plugs block that but not high velocity rounds.
    Shootm, veitnamcam, tikka and 1 others like this.
    Guy Fawks the only man to enter parliament with the interests of the people in mind



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