There has been mumblings from some member of this forum that I'm a bit of a Jinx.
To put this idea to bed I have a little story from today to show just how wonderful my guiding skills are.
so let us begin . . .
It is my last day in Latte Land before I head south to visit Neckshot, so when Barefoot said his afternoon meeting was cancelled I decided it was my last chance to proof to these Jafas that I'm not a jinx.
Well BF was surprisingly easy to talk around so as the logging crew were coming out we going in on the quad.
And bugger me if we didn't stop on the side of the road to let the last ute past and 3 goats stuck their heads out down below us.
it was battle stations as I directed BF to a good shooting spot, but he was too slow damn it and they were on the move.
Shoot the front one, the FRONT one I yelled.
He shoot the back one, Dumb #2!$%. Just as well I spotted 2 more making a sneaky escape, thankfully BF didn't stuff up this time.
Man it's hard being a guide to people like this I tell you.
So after a quick photo shoot to prove I am as good a guide as I say I am we were off further into the forest.
I spotted another group of 7 soon after and hatched a plan. They weren't scared of the quad so we got quite close and left it running to make them think we were still moving around. I set BF up again in a good spot and he bowled one over. Now this mob has obviously been getting a hard time as they just took off, no chance of another shot. We spotted them again 10minutes later winding up the far ridge but I had to put my foot down and tell him no more shots as they were too far and there was no way I was going through that valley to check he shot them right.
So we continued on, checking out the skid sites as we went, then I told him to check out up against the neighbours boundary but BF wanted to turn round, its getting late, he needs to get home. In the end he listened to reason and just as well he did as they was another mob right on the boundary. We seeking in to about 100m before we ran out of cover. I said shoot the nanny by the fence. No he shoots the big billy in the middle. Surprise, surprise that nanny lead the rest of the mob straight through the fence into the neighbours scrub.
So all up we got 5 goats, not bad considering BF is so slow with follow up shots. And it shows I'm NOT a Jinx, its one of you Jafas