The Take a kid hunting comp is what motivated this post....Some great times. I was going to take the kids out over the Holiday but work got in the way
The best thing in the world to experience to Outdoors with the kids, I was going to do an Outdoors post with the kids but changed it to mostly Hunting as there is just toooo many pic’s for one post, Might do a fishing one when time permits. Still I wish I had more pic’s, Michaels first Goat I don’t have, His biggest fish (Thresher shark) and lots of trips that the camera wasn’t taken. It’s easier now with cell phones with good cameras.
Don’t make the mistake I did…. Make sure you get plenty of pic’s with the kids out there as its reminds you of so many good times
Rose’s First hunt
And her first close look at a stag
Kids first shots with a rifle
Dad shot this but they still had to be in on it
Rose helping Michael hold the possum but trying to hide so its just him..
Michael’s trip to Urchin… Unfortunately the cloud rolled in giving no view out in the open, It was a good trip but with 3 in tow no animals dropped (Didn’t realize I would have David in tow as well until the night before when I was told he had promised Mum he would hunt with me….. Oh well better to be in the bush than home)
Michael got to go on a neat goat cull trip, Great times indeed
A local hunt, goats seen but left while trying to find the stag….Alas nothing shot this trip
I took the family for a SI trip but not that much hunting was done…. The time we had set aside for that the weather didn’t play its part mostly but we did a few strolls in some good areas (The wife took near 3000 pic’s so have a few on the kids on this trip….this is a few of them)
First stop to drop of an action and a big Thanks for the nights stay Brian and good to put faces to a couple of other names of Forums
Rose stayed in the Ute this night as she didn’t like the Kea’s calling out
With weather like this the hut was it for most of the stay here… Fine on the trip in and trip out but we did manage a walk before heading out
Michaels first kill with the 6.5BR I built for the kids
He shot those from over 200 yards awayWe had just spent the day banging gongs and he had hit the 650 yard gong with my 300RUM as well, Rose gave the 450 a pasting with my 243AI but unfortunately the scope reticle let go on that so she was limited to 35 shots … She would have shot every bullet I had out of that given half the chance, They were both on the money with the BR at 2/300. I don’t appear to have any pics from the shoot but others might as it was a day I setup for the Fish n Hunt forum.
One of the Possum trips
The only Pic I have of Michael’s first goat
What was left of the 100gr Hornady pill (6.5)
A trip to a fantastic place with friends and family
Setting up the shot
The result
Another one …
Michael practicing live capture
Rose taking a goat at over 300 yards
Still so many more things to do with the kids![]()