Well done, its not easy country up there.
Ill just post any ruahine red stories in this thread from now on, just sort of like a memory vault
Missus and I went out last weekend we had an awesome time in the hills together. We powered into the hut after work under nightfall getting to the hut at midnightw, we met a Canadian named Tyler who had just spent 50 days in the ruahines travelling almost the whole length of it! He is a very interesting character.
We had some heinous winds on the saturday only spying one deer moving up into the bush way too far away for a shot. Sunday morning we were up at sparrows glassing some promising faces after an hour I picked up a nice spiker. Lined him up at 491 yards and flat out missed the shot (unknowingly at the time) We set off on the "recovery" haha. On the way up the face I gave it a cheeky glass waiting for the missus to catch up. At my disbelief I spied four deer feeding out in the very head of this catchment a big old hind with her fawn and yearling with a young yearling spiker trailing abit back. I found a nice spot to setup for a shot, im sitting there getting comfortable and the missus goes "let me shoot one" I surrendered the rifle to her. Ranged the spiker at 415 yards. We went through her shooting process refreshing her memory, the 260 barked the spiker stood there for a second then dropped and rolled down the scree face. Super proud of her. She wouldnt let me live down missing my deer haha. Another mean mission in the ranges
holy smoke batman......that woman is a keeper forsure...hope she let you carry it out for her....
enjoy the venison
Bit of a bugger you missed, never mind your missus cleaned things up for you, well done.
Nice! Love the lab too. Always wanted one, but found them a bit soft on deer compared to wirehairs.
Awesome stuff holy hell that's a long shot well done.
She might leave you at home next time.
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Well done but unfortunately I think you've been demoted to pack mule.