Been there on the past when much younger. Had to change my pants after. Real truth, where you go up you can't always go back down. So you better have an exit at the top. Thanks for sharing. Good reminder.
Been there on the past when much younger. Had to change my pants after. Real truth, where you go up you can't always go back down. So you better have an exit at the top. Thanks for sharing. Good reminder.
I know a lot but it seems less every day...
Scary stuff all right iv being in that situation a few times I'm always very conscious of coming down whilst climbing so much easier to get up than down in the steep stuff
I find the opposite, it’s very easy to come down, just way more painful.
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I shot a hind, walked through a block of trees on dusk and over to the animal.
I cut it up, put it in my pack and started off in the dark.
I thought I was going back the way I came and ended up clinging to the side of a very steep rock face thinking I could fall and get seriously hurt.
I managed to make it to the top and get out safely but only just
Went back out and walked over to the spot I climbed out a week earlier but this time in day light only to find if I had of been 30 meters to the right I could have just walked out no problem with only a slight incline.
Shows how you can easily get disorientated in the dark.
When hunting think safety first
That brings back memories (and sick feelings!) of a similar experience I had - also on a slip in the Ruahines. I shot a deer from the top, climbed down and gutted it, then as it got dark I climbed back up to my campsite. I ended up in a spot way steeper than where I went down, with some very flimsy plants as handholds.
I had another stomach-churning experience in Pureora. I heard a goat above the river while a mate was fishing, so I climbed up to check it out. I was sidling along and came to a rock chute, very smooth and slippery. Partway across there was a patch of soil about 2m round with a punga growing on it, so I figured I would jump to this, then jump to the other side. As I landed by the punga, the whole lot started sliding down towards the bluff and I had to make a mad leap for the far side. I had thought the soil was a gap in the rock, but it was a clump sitting on top.
Anyone noticed that in this situations it's the nasty spiky plants that have the best root systems to hold onto....
Good lessons alright , we never know what's around the next corner.
Bro it can be scary when you end up in those situations ay, I've got a few stories involving waterfalls, slips, bluffs and gorges.. Always a tense few moments until you get out of it in one piece.
I’ve had similar experiences too! Spent 30 minutes climbing up a waterfall before I got to a section I couldn’t climb. Spent nearly 3 hours trying to get down the slippery rock faces. Was not a fun experience. But as others have said, it’s character building and you learn a lot from these experiences! I always have a plb in my Bino bag no matter the length of the journey!
I Have found my inreach handy on several occasions when I haven’t been able to get out of the bush or mountains on my planned date due to weather and swollen rivers. Very handy to let someone know that you’re safe and due back home a couple days later than expected.