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Thread: So it begins.....

  1. #16
    308 is offline
    Member 308's Avatar
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    Dec 2012
    Walk in, establish camp.
    Look for deer sign and trails
    Follow trails, look for fresh shit.
    Watch over busy trail sections at dawn and dusk and sneak along heavily marked trails. real. fuckin. slow.

    Get new boots

    Avoid huts unless its pissing down

    If it's any consolation it took me two years hunting solo and with others before I got my first but to be fair I'm a bit thick
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  2. #17
    Member Danny's Avatar
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    Get new boots, get some animals, then write a book!
    I'd read it, that was a funny read!

    Sent from my SM-P600 using Tapatalk
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    Dan M

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Haha that was a good laugh reading that. I like a guy who can laugh at himself. Its a learning curve; took me ages to get the hang of hunting and I'm still learning. Keep it up

    Sent from my MB525 using Tapatalk 2
    Scouser likes this.
    Yeah nah bro

    Rule 4: Identify your target beyond all doubt.

  4. #19
    TJM is offline
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    Main thing is to take it all in and enjoy ! Think we have all had some sort of issue when we first got into it, I remember getting all hyped up after reading a few good old hunting books, talking to my mate into walking into one of the old forestry huts in the Ureweras with a ton of un-required gear in our packs, cheap boots which lasted half an hour and no sleep for two days after sharing the hut with some fairly rough pig hunters who had their half starved dogs under the hut fighting all night for a few scraps of food.
    We did see lots of deer tracks along the stream bed in the morning and the closest thing to getting a shot away was when we put one up in a side creek early in the morning.
    After walking out and nearly falling asleep at the wheel driving through the gorge we had to re-assess our lack of hunting knowledge, learn from the experiences and eventually got it right .
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  5. #20
    Member Scouser's Avatar
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    As the other have said, just keep going out, as the time passes you will refine your equipment and techniques, plan your hunts well in advance and eventually it will all come together, just when you think 'it will never happen to me'!!!!!

    well done for getting out on your own, thats the first 'big' step taken.....
    While I might not be as good as I once was, Im as good once as I ever was!

    Rule 4: Identify your target beyond all doubt



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