At 0700 yesterday I got a text 'What doing this afternoon?', now that sounded like an invitation for some adventure; and that it was. I arranged for the afternoon off work and away we headed to a mystery location. We split up and headed in different directions into the cold wind. After a couple of hours of glassing some promising looking bush edges I was surprised to see a spiker behind and down wind from me. He initially was on a ridge, in a position not suitable for a shot, but he spooked and then reappeared with a mate, I tried to film and shoot one of the spikers but only managed to film them before they disappeared back over into the neighbours. They weren't that spooked so I hoped they'd return, so I kept glassing. I noticed a spiker come back, so set up the camera for some filming, shortly what appeared to be a ten point stag turn up, looking pretty cool in the fading light.
I decided that he was worth shooting as he looked like quite a good character bush head. He boldly feed towards me, unaware of the danger he was in from the freshly sited in Remington Model 7 in 7mm08. I decided to wait until he turned sideways, but at just under 200 yards, when he twisted his body and presented a perfect neck shot, I sent a 139g SST on its way; it had the desired effect and as they say shooting them is the easy bit!
He turned out to be a bit of a weather beaten 12 pointer and a big bugger at that. I took all the meat and jammed it into my pack and slung the head over my shoulders, luckily my hunting mate met me half way back to the truck and carried my rifle and the head; good man!
I've put together a quick video that highlights my adventure.