those bloody deer thought they were running in the grand national hurdles race:
: till you buggers chimed in!
great effort all the same-musta felt like a dream come true after all the shit of recent times
those bloody deer thought they were running in the grand national hurdles race:
: till you buggers chimed in!
great effort all the same-musta felt like a dream come true after all the shit of recent times
It was strange that they came from that direction and they seemed a bit cagey to me, by yeah I loved the way the stag just marched toward me not knowing what I had in mind. :-)
You’re right though, it’s so great to be able to hunt any where you want now, I reckon some areas will get a good beating this weekend. I’m still deciding where I’ll go... maybe Tahr will invite me to one of his secret spots!
Great vid and stills - looks like a nice handy spot - jealous!