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Thread: Taking the 6mm-204 & Veitnamcam for a stroll.

  1. #16
    Member major's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    north canterbury
    the pigs down my way live in the open tussock. so usually pretty easy to find with shots from 100 to 500m can be good fun lying on are hill watching them

  2. #17
    Member kimjon's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Nice work guys, a couple of really good eaters there.

    I must admit I do enjoy pig hunting with dogs, it adds another dimension to the hunt. Also the satisfaction of getting a dog going from scratch is quite an achievement as not many dogs actually have it in them to become a top hunter (a bit like people actually).

    The sound of dogs bailing a pig in the distance is like injecting adrenaline straight into my veins...




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