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Thread: batterys

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Dec 2021
    Quote Originally Posted by gonetropo View Post
    honestly "smart chargers" are crap.
    the current draw on modern vehicles is pretty low, i can park my legacy 3.0 for a month and still start it.
    get a new battery, if its going to be off the road for months then disconnect the battery and charge it every month or so. dont float charge them. not to good on liquid acid lead batteries.
    Some are better than others - the different modes etc that some of them have can be very useful. My ride on battery crapped itself the other day - went from a good strong start to just about not starting it. Small battery to selected the 2A charge cycle. Went to charge it, straight to float and back to the analysis cycle which indicates a battery the size of a D cell... Had a look - OK maybe more water required. Added about 700ml (battery takes about 1200) and whapped it onto the rejuvenation mode. A day later the battery works fine - starter just about flips the mower over...

    Wouldn't have been able to do that with an old skool charger.

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Apr 2022
    New Plymouth
    again thanks for all the replys guys well I put the battery on rejuvenation mode for a whole day and then on charge mode for a day put it in and away with a real healthy kick - will be looking at a solar to put inside the vehicle thanks guys

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Jan 2016
    near Christchurch
    The point of using a trickle charger to keep the battery fully charged (above 12.4 volts) is to prevent formation of lead sulphate crystals on the surface of the lead plates which decreases the battery capacity. Rejuvenation mode can help to remove lead sulphate buildup from the lead plates, restoring the battery capacity.



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