Old one almost all loaded up before a trip to Birdsville from Newcastle aussie 4 years ago and the one I got just before moving back from oz. Same model but one was 2003 and other 2013 (I think).
Not really flash bikes though
Old one almost all loaded up before a trip to Birdsville from Newcastle aussie 4 years ago and the one I got just before moving back from oz. Same model but one was 2003 and other 2013 (I think).
Not really flash bikes though
@Ryan_Songhurst I will post a non related bike photo for affect. One from a few years ago.
about 2009-10 maybe?
Its a 72 aussie assembled RHD Galaxie, 400 v8. Not road legal and heaps of rust. Sort of regret bringing it home. don't have the coin to fix it
back to bikes everyone.
Sold now...
Still got this old shitter. 2nd Owner quite a lot of goodies on and in it
"This is my Flag... Ill only have the one ..
It’ll run for ever mate
It's not the mountain we conquer,but ourselves.....Sir Edmund Hillary
What sort of Hp and torque do those sort of bikes produce @Happy?
Experience. What you get just after you needed it.
Flash as! I have an Epic too, but its just the basic comp alloy model. Still lighter than my old hardtail though!
Bought it about 6 months ago just getting back into MTB after a few years of hardly riding at all, already starting to think about future upgrades to something less XC and more trail oriented (probably a Trance or similar).
106 Hp from factory. This one has new computer, pipes. cam shafts changed etc so bit more
120 Foot pounds torque ex factory
Goes ok.
"This is my Flag... Ill only have the one ..
well i wish i had taken a photo: full suspension mountain bike (not expensive but...) after a rather major aftershock following the canterbury quakes, my dog took it out on the bike
tyres ofk rims, rims crushed, holes thru alloy frame. dont know what happened to the lights !