Hi team,
I've got a 2015 hilux due for a service. Just the basic A type so going to do it myself.
Just wanting to know the exact oil if anyone knows. Have been told Castrol but not sure.
Hi team,
I've got a 2015 hilux due for a service. Just the basic A type so going to do it myself.
Just wanting to know the exact oil if anyone knows. Have been told Castrol but not sure.
Do you not have an owner’s manual? Oil specs and capacity will be in it. Alternatively look up on Castrol nz oil selector website.
Do you not have an owner’s manual? Oil specs and capacity will be in it. Alternatively look up on Castrol nz oil selector website.
Yep, look up your manual. I've got the same vehicle & run Total 5W-30 synthetic, as we have it at work in bulk. You can run 15W-40 as the heaviest from memory and there's nothing wrong with Castrol, but pay the extra and get a decent diesel grade oil. Do the diesel filter too, cheap to replace, as clean diesel is one of your most important factors.
There’s a high quality oil perfect for EGR hilux motors, it’s designed to not mix with oil vapour in the inlet manifold (forming sludge) and blocking inlets
And for those guys that want to save on fuel costs it’s an FEO as well
(Fuel efficient oil)
Mobil Delvac MX ESP 15w40
Have used on everything Orchard since 1985, from the big CAT and Perkins in our frost machines to the smallest diesels
As a diesel mechanic I know what to look for when stripping engines down, and I’m not saying it’s made of magic beans but it won’t let you down, filtration is important too.
It’s cheap when you buy it in 20l pails from Sherwood or Allied Petroleum
A big fast bullet beats a little fast bullet every time
Yes I have the manual and am aware of the grade. Was just trying to match exact oil the Toyota NZ use with their servicing to keep it running the same oil. I always do the filters with oil changes.
Thanks for the suggestions
Mobil Delvac all the way.
Toyota use Castrol lubricants. Got info from an inside informant.
castrol tection (now vection) 15/40. Thats what i used in mine and was faultless.
Just as a side issue do you have a water / fuel separator before your diesel filter in that ute??
If you don't, install one. if you get water in your fuel it can overwhelm the filter and get to the common rail pump before it sets off the water alarm on the dash. result = new common rail pump and huge bill.
Mine had a racor r12 unit. The sort that you put into a boat with the clear polycarbonate bit on the bottom so you can see if there's water in it. Just change that filter and don't worry about the factory one. Racor is a finer micron filter that the standard hilux filter ( i think its 20 micron.)
Castrol 10w30 or 5w30
I use 5w30 in my personal Hilux.
Work we use a 10w30 tmgo.
Itll take 7L with a filter.
Edit: 2015 last of the shaggers or 1st of the new shape?
If the new shape, you need to use a C2 low ash oil. At work we use Castrol Edge 5w30 or Castrol 0w30 tmgo
Last edited by cambo; 01-08-2022 at 10:42 PM.
Life is natures way of keeping meat fresh
It pays to use the same brand - I changed the oil in the four wheeler during the last covid communion dance and the only suitable oil I could find for a wet clutch and engine combo was a synthetic. Met the specs, all the brains trust members reckoned no worries, just drain it good - but it would appear that the used crap that came out of it (which was rather old in appearance but not contaminated) did not agree and it now has traces of white goop like water/oil emulsion showing in the crank case.
Very odd - would put it down to the modern oil not playing nicely with whatever was it in in the past. Drained it and replaced with a semi-synthetic and new filter (after about 20 hours of use - just because I didn't like the possibility of further damage). Still has traces of white goop, but I'm not too bothered about the four wheeler - otherwise the the crank case covers would have to come off and a full flush out which is a plick of a job. Be a bad day at the office to mix brands on a ute engine and find they don't play nice.