Yes @Micky Duck she planes very well with the kids and I, the lake was beautiful this morning.
Yes @Micky Duck she planes very well with the kids and I, the lake was beautiful this morning.
if you find/aquire some 1 1/2" alkathene pipe,,,split it lengthways down one side and clip it over the edge rail all the way along both sides of boat,will need cut out bit for rowlocks.....makes it nicer on hands ,net,line,rods if they hit the gunrail/gunnal...
@mawzer308 congrats on the new tinny.Do you realize on christning it today you'rve blown that piffle bollocks theory that alloy boats won't catch fish.Hells bells every working boat earning a keep out there are constructed of alloy
Yes boy, bring it down my ways. Kingi missions on!
Awesome, well done. These will be memories that will last a lifetime. Teach the boys good boat craft at this age and you will set them up for life.
@bluebaiter222 where in the thread did anyone say that alloy boats don't catch fish?