the question was pretty clearly about how it is going to affect my family and the ability of an employee to work rather than the cop or the guy boozing
the question was pretty clearly about how it is going to affect my family and the ability of an employee to work rather than the cop or the guy boozing
Not the original question so much, actually at all LOC, more the following posts.
Off topic slightly, but given his appalling lack of judgement, do your parents really want the retard working for them still?
Maybe a bit judgemental, but the perfect worker would never put his employer in this situation so he sure doesn't qualify for the perfect worker tag.
If he had hit a killed a small child as a result of his actions would you all be so quick to give him a pass? It was only luck that it didn't happen.
Given the cops response I suspect that the guy has history.
To the op the cop is full of shit, 1st off how many under 15s drive shit on a farm?? Shit loads your self included I bet
Private property end of story
I was driving as soon as I could touch the pedals
well he's had a very severe warning and is at the junior end of the shepherd spectrum. but they are bloody hard to find, particularly when we. have just started lambing, so i expect he'll be given another chance