I had this recently, pulled the whole frikin thing apart, remembered the run switch on the left sideBrrruuummm
This is a good starting point too
I had this recently, pulled the whole frikin thing apart, remembered the run switch on the left sideBrrruuummm
This is a good starting point too
I watched that one a while back, yeah it is a good start point. My last one I had issues with was a right pain in the arse, CDI and charging were good but intermittent start faults that got worse and worse. Ended up going through the system, fixing the start solenoid, cleaning up the starter, fixing/cleaning every connection, replacing the battery, cleaning/sorting the start button and rebuilding the ignition switch not in that order. It was amazing that the thing was going at all - it's reliable and one push starts now.
The only thing that has ever stop our one is crap in the carburetor. Caused, I assume, by shit being stirred up on a big back country hunting trip after after a few years of puttering around our lifestyle blocks.
"The generalist hunter and angler is a well-fed mofo" - Steven Rinella
Best way to check spark is get ya mate to hold end of plug .then crank it over if he let's go quickly it has plenty of spark.
Okay, so it sat for a couple of nights until I got around to going back for another go. Friday night I went down there and it started first try! Rode it round for a bit, and had a good look and it seems to have a small leak in the fuel lead, and my mechanically minded friend reckons it is a carb issue. He's nearly got his new garage workshop up and running so in a week or two i'll take it over to his house to pull it apart and have a better look at it.