duz the biz I'm sure. All you need is the graffiti. If it's rockin wait till it stops then bring a cuppa.
duz the biz I'm sure. All you need is the graffiti. If it's rockin wait till it stops then bring a cuppa.
"ars longa, vita brevis"
"Hunting and fishing" fucking over licenced firearms owners since ages ago.
308Win One chambering to rule them all.
I had a Kombie. a Devon conversion 1973. Cool surf wagon and comfortable. One weekend I took it hunting as the normal hunting wagon was out of action. Any way the dogs got a good pig, and I chucked it up into the compartment above the motor. Next weekend my wife and I were surfing down the East Cape when she asked me what was this thing crawling in her hair. oopssie's no more using the kombie for hunting under any circumstance's. lol
"ars longa, vita brevis"
I love Troopys.. purchased this one on trademe a few years back but the owner decided he could not part with it. I was not impressed. I had big plans for its resurrection as a full on camper
Would have been good 'twoshot'. We saw ours and decided we must have it. Got the measurements from the sellers. 'Vehicle To long' No problem extend Garage.
Then find garage roof nearly rusted through '8 metres from high tide line' Put new roof on garage.
Buy vehicle then find seller has given us wrong height measurement and it wont fit in the Garage. Really pissed now, so hack two bloody great wheel tracks through the concrete floor and re-concrete them. Calculations not the best and I find the roof of camper van still gently touches roller door. So then I think when I buy new tyres for it might have to dig the concrete up again.
Now too demoralized to think about that. Cant afford to buy food and am surviving on last years venison and fish.
How much work involved in lifting the door? Shouldn't take much that a saw couldn't whittle down, or is it also touching the rafters?
"ars longa, vita brevis"
Door up as high as it will go GA. Not a mill of adjustment to be gained anywhere. As it was I had to get another section of door made to fill the gap as the floor sloped down.
Real problem is pig headidness. Wife said forget the idea it wont fit in the garage. I said I will make the Garage fit it.
Let the tires down a bit when parking up in the garage?
Cut the shed around the bottom jack her up and build up a wall from the bottom?