As Scotty often said " Ya canna break the laws of physics"
To propel any vehicle you need to do work, provided by energy. The last decade of EV development and uptake have come up hard against reality: EV charging on a Nationwide scale is unaffordable. Power will never be cheap and affordable, cause Capitilists want it to stay expensive. Here we are in 2024, some 38 years post privatisation of our Energy provider (NZED) so the 'market' will provide cheaper power to the consumer. Yeah right! Being told to not use power otherwise someone will run out of it as its cold and there's no wind or sun.
EV depreciation has become horrendous. EV tech is so specialised that there are not enough techs to keep a fleet going at a reasonable price. Battery longevity is turning out to be a whole lot less than initial calculations showed. Replacing batteries is far too expensive (price gouging, DG transportation around the world) so in the long run the EV turns out to not be the sustainable utopia that it was touted as. Its a throw away device. Hardly in the sustainable realms of a 30 year old Toyota Corolla.
Hydrogen sounds great. But it has just as many issues as battery tech. Its very sneaky. If it were possible to completely weld a steel container closed when it was full of liquid hydrogen (its not!!!) over time all the hydrogen would escape from the cylinder from between the molecules of steel. Pressures needed to keep a useable amount of hydrogen in a container are insane (10 thousand psi). You need access to a shitload of cheap energy to make clean hydrogen. Current tech is very dirty. The list goes on.
There's going to be a need for current improving tech ICE cars for many years. Until some utopian breakthrough occurs, ICE will be around for many decades....or you'll be living like a surf, hauling your mother in law around on a cart towed by a donkey
