Hi All, after some advice on automatic gearboxes and how they choose their gears. Ive done plenty of off road driving and river crossing in a manual 94 hilux back in the day but i now have a 2000 vx landcruiser and havent quite gotten my head around how its picking its gears, i can get the engine breaking going down hill but only when im in low range and in low on the gear stick with overdrive off. Its nothing like the freedom i had with my hilux, could basically pick gears and let it crawl without using brake or gas.
when it comes to the cruiser what gear combos should i be using for river crossings and for boggy spots so its not over revving or searching for gears. i just dont feel comfortable when i dont know what gear its going to grab and i dont want to drop it in a river while im trying to figure it out.
also with a slight worry of hijacking my own thread, what are peoples opinion of snorkels? i mainly drive long ks towing but every now ant then ill drive 50k on a gravel road and want the ability to head up a simple river. is there much in the way of added driving noise or should i be ok without the snorkel