I thought it was 4.5-5.1 meters
You will end up heavier than that I guarantee it.....my engine and fuel weighs that much and I only have a 40hp.
AND being the gadgetman by the time you add.
fwd controls/console
Emergency gear
Nav lights.
Anchor light.
Anchor winch.
Anchor and chain/rope
Bildge pumps manual and auto.
Second battery and vsr.
Deck lights.
Search light.
bow and stern lights.
usb outlets
windscreen wiper?
live bait tank/pump
fishing gear.
And one brown bomber that must stay on board at all times because all tho you don't drink, it has been scientifically proven over and over it is twice as hard to catch fish on a boat with no beer.....I actually think it is more dangerous to set sail with no beer on board(whether it is drunk or not) than it is to set sail with bannanas on board a boat that has had its name changed more than 5 times.
Last edited by veitnamcam; 07-12-2016 at 08:01 PM.
"Hunting and fishing" fucking over licenced firearms owners since ages ago.
308Win One chambering to rule them all.
I will add a centre console with nav lights and the obligagory anchor and warp and that will be about it so will maybe add another 50kg. When I step on the whole thing will suddenly lighten by about 20kg. Should add some rod holders too. If it works OK I may have to build another type of tub.
There are only three types of people in this world. Those that can count, and those that can't!