They are value for money, no question. I seriously thought about it last year when looking to upgrade my Landcruiser. Almost signed the dotted line on a new Triton with all the gear strapped on it. I just couldn't get over the idea that they are pretty damned ugly! Haha.
Then I found another Landcruiser and went with that instead, pleased I did in the end, very hard to go past a Landcruiser in my experience, however --- they're not a ute are they.
Had a sniff at the new model Triton yesterday, they do look a bit better than the older model.
One thing I do like about driving a Landcruiser though, is unlike almost every other 4wd on the road, there's not literally dozens of trucks the same passing you everyday. Sh*t I see some Hilux's and Rangers and Tritons on the roads down here. Like to be a bit different![]()
I'm drawn to the mountains and the bush, it's where life is clear, where the world makes the most sense.
Ha, something like that. Although there are some creatures uglier than Susan roaming the streets down here I can tell you...
I'm drawn to the mountains and the bush, it's where life is clear, where the world makes the most sense.
Interesting thread. I will be back in NZ mid October and will need a vehicle so I've started to do some research now.
Have not really looked at cars for over 12 years because I get a new company vehicle every 3 years.
Looking at getting something like a utility (ute) with quad cab and 4WD but undecided on many features
- deck type
- auto vs. manual transmission
- petrol vs. diesel
I would like to buy from an local Invercargill dealer for service / repairs.
Mitsubishi Triton
Triton Ute | Mitsubishi Motors New Zealand
Nissan Navara
Nissan New Zealand - Navara
Toyota Hilux
Toyota - Hilux 4WD Double Cab SR5 Diesel Specifications
Ford Ranger
Ford New Zealand - All-New Ranger
Mazda BT50
Any one got any experience with any of the above ?
Last edited by KiwiinSeattle; 02-06-2015 at 04:02 PM.
Add the Isuzu to your list
Isuzu 4wd Utes & SUV » Isuzu Utes New Zealand
There are only three types of people in this world. Those that can count, and those that can't!
I've been drinking but here it goes, Landcruiser shouldn't even come into these conversations! fuck me a 80 series cruiser is still more refined than any off the new utes out there and I just picked up my new 200 series but to be fair they haven't come a long way. I'm a Toyota fan through and through but now as a tritin owner I don't think anything comperes as far as refinement in a road utility, 4WD capability I'm not sure yet?
Every one talks about the older models being better but when you take into consideration how much more power the new ones have verse the old ones and there road driveability, has any one actually put one to the test? A new one will out 4wd an old one tomorrow (standard) bar the cost factor. Sure a 20K vehicle will go more places than a 100K one (by choice), but side by side? I have no whish to f*@k my new cruiser unnecessarily but at the end of the day they were worth the same money.
And people that complain about being supplied a vehicle, well I don't know what to say? supply your own!
At the end off the day I don't care, it's no different to which gun is better, something I'm still trying to work out! pro's and con's![]()
And anyway has anybody driven one yet?
I think thats the hardest part.
Especially when your new to the ute market.
Like i am looking at them and mostly it will be a city drive to work car but it will also get trips all over the show long distance ( Auckland, Wellington etc )
as well as lots of work with stock cars and towing trailers
as well as 4x4 more up rivers and farm tracks / paddocks type of work then deep mud.
We are looking to purchase bare land to graze cattle on and will get used a lot for that and shooting off the back of
They all seem to fall into the being generally about the same ( test driving this weekend tho )
I have been trawling the specs, pricing and servicing so far.
Picks so far are a 2nd hand ranger, Dmax, Hilux and triton
Bt50 is ugly and i cant get passed that
Vw is to pricy and read to many poor reviews on its towing performance.
New ranger is out of my pricing atm But if i wait and save its on the cards
I like the look of the new Nissan np300 Navara replacement but they will be way out of my pricing.
In the last 11 years I've had a Landrover Freelander, a 2006 Holden ute, followed by a 2009 Holden Colorado, nice ute, then didn't like the mechanicals on the new Holden so bought the 2013 Ford Ranger, the Ranger is well ahead of the others, but I expect that, Mauser 308 right it's a personal thing, I think you should buy new technology if buying new, cause small advances add up. I Will look again at the market in 2017 for my next one. Will probably choose mechanics and cc' s over fancy looking. Waiting for the next 2 litre Amarok withFour Hair Dryers, now that would whistle!
Boom, cough,cough,cough
Yeah baby bring one for me, but not a left hooker!��
Boom, cough,cough,cough