New cars ha.mate has a new ranger and suffers some kind of shudder .I think there is problems with the 10 speed auto box's.
New cars ha.mate has a new ranger and suffers some kind of shudder .I think there is problems with the 10 speed auto box's.
"New Cars" is right!
First Gen Raptor spat the torque converter at about 20,000kms.
Under warranty, John Andrew wanted to replace the auto, but Ford made them rebuilt things.
3 visits later, with me threatening to park it thru the front door & let the lawyers sort it if it wasn't fixed this time they finally relaced all that auto stuff.
I've got the Gen 2 Raptor with the petrol turbo V6 now which is an awesome truck.
But I wouldn't want to own it out of warranty, given how much is going on under the bonnet.
Looking at retiring, so won't be spending 100K on a truck every 3 years, so I'm thinking next move maybe GU Patrol, or something all mechanical without the high-strung drama all this new stuff has.
@Maca49 - well I did the WoF. Passed on driveshaft and gearbox/diff etc - but they flagged both lower balljoints as requiring replacement shortly. Hmm - probably right, feels a bit wobbly up front but man, balljoints crapping out in less than 135Km's??? Bollocks to that.
Will get onto that shortly once we finish replacing sensors - changed out the PCM (Powertrain Control Module) which turned into a major requiring 4 different programs and 3 different types of scan tool as the auto programs both failed and the module wipe and self-learn cycles didn't take either. Guys had to manually go through each module and get it to play nice and talk with everything else, still have a couple of glitches with the ICM and BCM/PATS modules but it seems to be running. What replacing that has shown is that there are several sensors that are not working correctly on this ute (including the throttle body which is jammed at 3.71v) so slowly going through and replacing everything that needs it as we find it. What is proving fun is tracking down these little critters when Ford is saying delivery is held up or no longer supplied OEM, little bit frustrating and a lot of time on the devices.
I wont be changing my 93 Pajero anytime soon, it may be 30+ years old and rattly and done 330k km's, but its a bloody sight more robust and reliable given how it gets treated compared to wifes Colorado which cost a bomb in service costs and need trans service before 100000km. Shit the Pajero got its first trans service at 240K Kms and that wasn't the issue it had a rooted TPS.
Trust the dog.........................................ALWAYS Trust the dog!!
Nah, they can (at sea level). Mine was set up to go HARD at the beach, but was travelling up the Napier-Taupo foot to the floor up the left hand lane of the big hill passing lanes going my god this thing hates hills, and I realised no one was passing me on the right (inside) lane. I soon worked out why when i looked in the mirrors - Greta would have been in full war cry "HOW DARE YOU..." and Russian tank designers would have been taking notes. One of the better smoke screens I've laid that's for sure, when I got to the top of the hill it was about four corners before I saw anyone else in my mirrors. I guess they weren't brave enough to floor it through white out conditions!
Issues like the shudder could be lubricant, some if the mine utes had issues as the workshop was using g a castrol product yheyve been using for ever - on paper it appeared the same specs as per factory, changed to a delo product- caltex or chevron- with a major improvement
Can't believe what they do with small turbo engines power wise
, the old adage : no replacement but displacement for towing heavy loads up hills/ off road
Gu & gq best to things out the Nissan stable, since then mhew
Ha!! 0 to 100 in ten minutes!!
Just looked at the price of a new Hilux.I'm happy with 0-100 in ten minutes, cause the difference on price between that new hilux and my GU is 50 grand. Better 50 grand in my pocket and a tad slower off the mark. Better a day cleaning injector tips and fuel filters, replacing trans fluids than a week with 5 different computers trying to get once bunch of electrons to play nice with another bunch of electrons...all to get the truck to simply start and run.
Install these. They should be the first thing you do to any 4WD that will be used around water.