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  1. #1
    Lovin Facebook for hunters kiwijames's Avatar
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    Hawkes Bay

    Question Open/Canadian Canoes

    Im looking into buying an Open/Canadian canoe but have little experience with them other than a stint through the Florida Everglades. It was fairly simple and stable. The one we used was an aluminium skin version but Im thinking of one in the tough plastics. If I had time Id like to try and build a Maple on but I don't have time
    Primary purpose will be to try and fit a few kids and/or the cook and get out onto a few small lakes as well as drift down some of the local Hawkes Bay rivers. I had also though a run down the upper Mohaka or Ngaruroro would be fun once I get a bit of time under my belt.
    Im thinking something decent sized will be better as I can cross it over for a hunting/fishing application. 16+'?
    Anyone using them? One of the only replies I have got so far is "D Boat" from a mate. Whats a "D Boat" I ask? Divorce Boat he laughs back!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Inflatable kayak will do what you want and be safer and easier to transport.... Incept do great ones

  3. #3
    P38 is offline
    Member P38's Avatar
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    I owned a 16' Canadian for several years.

    Mine was a fibreglass model.

    They are bloody great to get around lakes on and fish from .... not so good on the rivers as they are not manoeuvrable enough for the rapids and big water, we usually ended up in the drink more often than not and fibreglass tends to hole easily.

    A plastic one may be better for the rivers as they may handle the knocks better.

    I even had an outboard bracket for it and a 5hp outboard could really get it moving along.

    That said we did several trips down the Wanganui in it along with a group of others and were able to comfortably carry a lot of gear on it.

    Ivan even jury rigged a tent fly as a sail one time .... that saved us lost of paddling.


  4. #4
    Member JayColli's Avatar
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    I really like my friend's Old Town Rogue River 154 square back for lake trips but I haven't done much canoeing in rivers... Aluminum is tough, we used to spend entire afternoon smashing into one another on the lakes in Scouts but it does tend to 'stick' to rocks, which could be pretty hazardous in fast flowing rivers.



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