Have you jacked up rear wheels off ground and checked operation of diff/drivetrain? If diff is locked, both axles will drive in same direction at same time, this usually leads to understeer though and outer wheel trying to spin up in turn. If only one axle driving steering will be better one way more than the other. You haven’t altered suspension ride height recently without resetting wheel alignment have you? Raising front suspension will create more toe-in thus oversteer. Raising only rear end can effectively do the same. Rumbling noise is generally a bearing failure not usually necessarily related to steering. Any decent mechanic should be able to diagnose problem, that’s what old school mechanics were trained in, at least they used to be.
was the alighnment out when you had it done.
Boom, cough,cough,cough
If it's an LSD and it's buggered it might be running as an open diff, will definitely break traction easier.
As @BRADS said, drop the oil, it should be clean and golden.