I had a thing when I first started with a guy in contracting, we were running a little honda motor to run one of the little bits of gear as well as a bigger diesel powered pump. Needed to refuel the Honda at regular intervals, grabbed the petrol can and filled it up all day and just about used the 20L can.
End of the day, ready for the diesel powered pump - Boss "where's the f**ken diesel, the diesel can is EMPTY!!!!!"...
Um, dunno, did you fill it up? Hang on, the yellow container is full! Boss: "That's petrol!" - with a look on his face like what kind of halfwit have I hired that doesn't know that!
Rest of the crew looks at me, looks at the full yellow can I'm holding, looks at the Honda (still running happily I might add), looks at the completely confused look on my face (total does not compute) and then back at the boss and as one they all start cracking up. Leading hand picks up the yellow can, reads it out in front of the boss - "D - I - E - S - E - L"... Um, not the new guys fault there boss chortle chortle...
So probably no point mixing petrol in the diesel as unless the thing is a relatively modern one you need a lot of petrol in there to make sure that the thing it's getting tipped in will actually stop. Some things are very tolerant of crappy fuel! Better option I think is something like the red dye that some people use in process diesel to ensure the fuel is mixed in - that will ensure that the evidence is right the way through the engine and fuel system of whoever is flogging the fuel and it can't be removed. Won't damage it, so no issue there but the evidence is plain and undeniable that the fuel could only have come from that source and it's hot as hell. Combined with CCTV or trailcam footage - got yas.