Whatever VC.
And I own a crumpy machine. Correction, have owned several, but crusier wins every time.
Whatever VC.
And I own a crumpy machine. Correction, have owned several, but crusier wins every time.
Several, one is at about 450 000km, and they get there without the engine rebuilds that the Cruisers of the same era are renowned for. And the diffs are hugely stronger in the Nissan. If you want to find out what a tough truck is then check out the comp trucks; most of them are Safari/Patrols though admittedly most comp vehicles have a couple of modifications. The main difference between the Safaris and Patrols is the electrical side with the Safari being NATO spec'd for 24V.
If you think the non intercooled 2.7 are sluggish then a non turbod Safari will have you replacing the clock with a calendar. The Subaru turbo is a common one for a power improvement from the TD42.
There are only three types of people in this world. Those that can count, and those that can't!
Actually the last tricked out Cruiser I was following around left me scratching my head. Went through headlight deep water then had five goes at scrabbling up the bank on the other side. I thought that since it had such trouble I wouldn't even bother with my stock Safari, then I thought bugger it he can pull me out so I might as well give the passengers a ride. The Safari just quietly went through the bonnet high water and straight up the bank without any wheel spin. Was a bit of an anti climax with the passengers all giving me the 'what was that all about' look. The Cruiser had bigger and newer feet and was lifted as well.
Had a similar thing with a Smurf going through soft river mud. The Smurf barely made it, the Safari just quietly drove through; it wasn't till a bit later on I found out I'd forgotten the transfer box thingy and was still in 2wd.
They are all a compromise, weight, power, on road/off road abilities. One vehicle that surprised recently was a Mistral with bigger feet bunged under it was a great hunting/spotlighting vehicle with the sunroof great fro shooting from. The Isuzu's are great too, quite light and agile, I have a couple of those too for fun machines. Great for the younger guys to drive as it doesn't worry me if they drown them.
There are only three types of people in this world. Those that can count, and those that can't!
Get an outback and a flash new rifle the only thing that stops my outback is ground clearance.
Lada Cossak absolutely indestructible and goes any where with the short wheel base. Had one for my first security vehicle for farm work, quad with a roof on. Tried to kill it but couldn't. Gave it away for a bottle of whiskey in the end, just so the Cocky could park it around the farm with the security signage on. What about the Prados, comfy to drive, high off the ground and nice on the highway. I have a 2002 one for the family packer and it tows the boat beautifully. More economical than my Hilux.
Don't buy a Nissan.
People that own Nissans are strange.
Autos are good off road, smooth power, if you have plenty of grunt. If you're gutless and run an auto they suck.. The big trucks have decent engine braking too in an auto box. I still prefer my manual box though.
I'm drawn to the mountains and the bush, it's where life is clear, where the world makes the most sense.
Decide how much space you need inside then make the list of suitable wagons.
There is suprisingly little space in a patrol (sort of a Tardis in reverse).
Would consider a 3lt diesel surf, or the old shape kia sportage, they were always better than the vitaras etc.
I thought my mates old SWB Safari had pretty good space for a SWB truck actually, would be big enough for my use. Not a heap of back seat legroom, but not really any worse than a doublecab Hilux.
Will keep an eye out for decent 3.0 surfs too, heard about head/overheating issues but most are probably from lack of maintenance, doesn't seem a standard design fault like the 2.4. Think thats the first positive thing I've ever heard about a Kia Sportage, don't think I could bring myself to consider one of those.
Everyone reads 4wd magazines and BUT COMPETITION TRUCKS ARE
Surf is good - I had the 2.4 head-gasket esperience - but apart from that, was surprisingly good off-road even with coils. was very comfy on-road too. I understand the head prob was only the 2.4, not the 3l version. Got to be turbo'd though.
early Prados had landcruiser body on surf running gear or something. They seem to be popular club trucks still I see.
NOBODY IS PERFECT - but if you're from Yorkshire you're pretty close
The above was written slowly, for those of us who can't read quickly.