I bubble wrap the crap out of my only kid (3&1/2yr old girl). I wouldn't let let Her out of my sight for a second. Not for anything. I was raised the exact opposite and i'm amazed i survived the hundreds of ways I could have killed myself (or those around me) due to the complete lack of supervision (parents of the 70's I'm talking about you lazy sods lol). I'll confess a few - running from trains ("Stand by me" style, climbing 50m vertical cliffs without ropes, making bombs, almost used a kite for a hang glider. I could go on for ages. Like I said - its a miracle nobody from my street wasn't killed. We all did dumb shit 'cause our parents didn't care. Bow and arrow fights, surfing in lightning storms. Stealing golf balls then selling them to other golfers... The list is endless
I seriously feel sorry for all involved in this incident. Poor little fella